Hi all,

No SQLite support?

Seems curious you wouldn't have this yet, especially given its popularity on
both embedded systems and Android to say the least.

Indeed, no native SQLite support. Lots of other systems are popular and
not supported.

The reason for this is that the tool is not generic and tries to get the most
of all.

Apparently Winblows-only.

It sure would be nice if people would note platform requirements in their
announcement, rather than forcing people to dig through their websites for such info.

I guess I should know better; if it doesn't list platform requirements, the developer
hasn't thought beyond the dominant paradigm.

You sure have a point, I'll list it in the future.

However, I should note that Database Workbench users have succesfully used
it under Wine.

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Upscene Productions

Download Database Workbench for Oracle, MS SQL Server, Sybase SQL
Anywhere, MySQL, InterBase, NexusDB and Firebird!

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