----- Original Message -----

> From: "Tompkins Neil" <neil.tompk...@googlemail.com>

> Thanks for the information. One final question in what ways should we
> use EXPLAIN EXTENDED statement to help improve our query
> performance.

Explain is your friend. You should listen to it :-) 

It gives a nice idea of how the database interprets your query, so you can see 
where the bottlenecks are, for example what bits don't use indices or cause 
file sorts. 

The exact interpretation of it is an art, though, and there are many subtleties 
you only get by experience and reading documentation. It is not something that 
is quickly explained; it requires a good knowledge of how a database works on 
the inside. 

Bier met grenadyn 
Is als mosterd by den wyn 
Sy die't drinkt, is eene kwezel 
Hy die't drinkt, is ras een ezel 

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