if a problem is solved others hsould know that to prevent other
peopole spending time - if problem is not solved you osuld also
not switch to a private-channel!!

Am 13.10.2011 19:20, schrieb Nick Khamis:Of course! mysql header files are in 
the source tar...

Thanks again!


On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 1:12 PM, Reindl Harald < 
<>> wrote:

    you wrote "but there is no MySQL-devel-5.5.16-1.linux2.6.i386.tar.gz"
    this is a bianry and NOT source and yes i am sure it contains the devel 

    if you are want to compile from source for whatever reason:
    there is only ONE source-tarball
    ./configure --help is your friend

    Am 13.10.2011 <tel:13.10.2011> 19:08, schrieb Nick Khamis:
    > Hello Reindl,
    > You are correct, we should use the system packages whenever possible 
however, I just
    > got use to building everything for source...
    > Nick.
    > On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 1:01 PM, Reindl Harald < 
    < <>>> wrote:
    >     Am 13.10.2011 <tel:13.10.2011> <tel:13.10.2011 <tel:13.10.2011>> 
18:16, schrieb Nick Khamis:
    >     > Hello Everyone,
    >     >
    >     > Thank you so much for your response. I don't need the entire MySQL 
    >     > just the
    >     > development libraries. I found "MySQL-devel-5.5.16-1.linux2.
    >     > 6.i386.rpm", but there is
    >     > no MySQL-devel-5.5.16-1.linux2.6.i386.tar.gz.
    >     first: use system-packages whenever it is possible
    >     second. i bet the bianry-tar.gz are containing the devel-files too


Mit besten Grüßen, Reindl Harald
the lounge interactive design GmbH
A-1060 Vienna, Hofmühlgasse 17
CTO / software-development / cms-solutions
p: +43 (1) 595 3999 33, m: +43 (676) 40 221 40
icq: 154546673,

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