In the last episode (Nov 03), List Man said:
> I am running Server version: 5.1.45-log MySQL Community Server (GPL) and I
> attempted to change max packet with the following: SET GLOBAL
> max_allowed_packet=16*1024*1024; but it did not work properly.  The
> configuration did not change by using the show variables command.  I
> changed the configuration file (my.cnf) and restarted the server and the
> variable stayed the same.  Does anyone have any ideas?

SET GLOBAL changes the server's default runtime value.  Any new connections
will get that value, but existing connections will not change.  When the
server restarts, it will fall back to whatever you have set in my.cnf, or
the default value if you don't have anything in my.cnf.

        Dan Nelson

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