Am 02.12.2011 21:59, schrieb Claudio Nanni:
> 2011/12/2 Reindl Harald <>
>> well, i am using delete/insert-statements since 10 years to maintain
>> users since you only have to know the tables in the database "mysql"
>> and use "flush privileges" after changes
>> The privileges should be maintained  only using the designated commands.
> You cannot rely on the knowledge you have of the underlying implementation
> which can change anytime , while the privileges command are standard.

do what you think is good for you if YOU can't be sure what you do
there where i work i test updates and look at the user-tables
and that is why i fixed problems where root did not have the
right permissions after upgrade to 5.1 what was not corrected
with "mysql_upgrade" an rolled out without any problems

the same way i currently roll out fedora 15 on 24 production
servers because i know what i do and have the infrastructure
to prepare such major-upgrades to do them finally live after
all tests are successfull and the local cach- and internal-repos
are filled

so please do not tell other peopole on what knowledge they can rely

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