
I hope someone can help me solve this.  I am trying to write 2 string
values to separate fields of the same row in a mysql DB table using the
Perl Module DBD::mysql.  One string value is of English letters, while the
other is of Arabic letters.  However, they are somehow switched and written
to the wrong field--the Arabic to the English and English to the Arabic
field.  I believe my file handle declaration ensures that the encoding i'm
dealing with is UTF-8:

open my $file, '<:encoding(utf8)', 'input_file.xml' or die "cannot open
file: $!";

and the mysql query:

$dbh->do("INSERT INTO bama_xml (token_Arabic, variant) VALUES

I tried switching the values as below, but they still write to the wrong

$dbh->do("INSERT INTO bama_xml (token_Arabic, variant) VALUES

I also dropped the English string completely, but the Arabic still writes
to the wrong field--strange behavior, but I'm sure it's a problem with the



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