Hello Michaël,

Thank you for the tips.  SHOW CREATE TABLE helped me figure out that my
table was using Latin1 and I was able to change it to utf-8.  However, I
did not see any encoding specified on the column with this command.

I tried to fix the connection encoding with this line of Perl code:

$dbh->do("SET character_set_client='utf8'");

Now the output is somewhat improved because the arabic is now writing to
the correct column, but it seems to have an unresolved encoding issue as
can be seen from a mysql command line query in the token_Arabic column:

| id | token_Arabic | variant |
|  1 | ??           | yA      |
|  2 | ????         | <bny    |
|  3 | ??           | dA      |
|  4 | ????????     | klmk    |
|  5 | ??????       | Ey$ryn  |

Previously this query showed Arabic characters, just in the wrong column.



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