Am 23.12.2011 22:42, schrieb Wm Mussatto:
>> so you have a REAL consistent backup with minimal downtime you can restore
>> on any machine and pull dumps of whatever you really need instead of
>> breaindead hughe dumps with long locking time while they are done or
>> withut locking inconsistent state
>> the first rsync runs while the server is online and the second one
>> after mysqld is stopped takes a few moemnts because only changed data
>> in the meantime have to be synced again
>> this way you can backup many GB of mysql-data with minimal downtime
>> and 100% consistence
> This is true if the problem is many relatively small tables.  Not sure how
> well it would work if the problem was one or more very large tables.

does not matter if you look how rsync works

i am using rsync ober the WAN each day for backups or some TB real data
with only 3-6 GB traffic each day to give an specifiy example how good
this works

a part of this backups is a mysql-server for dbmail with
one table-file (innodb) > 10 GB, the whole backup over a
22Mbit wire limited to 800KB/Sec. takes ususally around
30 minutes

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