Am 09.04.2012 10:57, schrieb J. Bakshi:
>  Hello,
>  I have been provided a muscular linux server to use as a Mysql server
>  in our organization. The server is located just beside the web server
>  and within the same network. This dedicated server has 8GB RAM, i5 processors
>  and running mysql as service. No apache, php ..... nothing. All resources are
>  dedicated to mysql only.

generally this depends on your network connection
and yow your queries are written

keep in mind that only connect has 15-20% overhead
compared with a unix socket and if your network is
too slow you notice latency more and more

additionally your queries have more impact
if you have usually very small results by optimized queries
this makles the db-server himslef possibly better suited
but keep in mind taht your querie himself must over the wire

> I run the mysqltuner directly on the remote mysql server; and here is the
> result

[OK] Key buffer size / total MyISAM indexes: 2.0G/268.5M
[!!] InnoDB data size / buffer pool: 3.6G/8.0M

why are you wasting 2GB of RAM fpr key_buffer while
your innodb_buffer_pool is way to small?

your mysqltuner:
[--] Up for: 3d 23h 55m 27s (1M q [4.523 qps], 81K conn, TX: 23B, RX: 469M)
[OK] Slow queries: 2% (39K/1M)

our mysqltuner:
[--] Up for: 2d 10h 45m 2s (92M q [437.607 qps], 28K conn, TX: 12B, RX: 3B)
[OK] Slow queries: 0% (1/92M)

i do not think that is the cause of your problem but
it shows that your queries are badly optimized on
some places

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