Am 09.04.2012 13:05, schrieb J. Bakshi:
> I have reset these two now
> ` ` ` ` 
> key_buffer_size=200M
> innodb_buffer_pool_size=4G

[!!] InnoDB data size / buffer pool: 3.6G/8.0M

there did go something terrible wrong
what is the mysqld log saying at startup?
waht about post your complete my.cnf?

however, you will never get the same perfor,ance as
with a local mysqld if there are many small queries
because all of the queries must go over the wire and
answers back

i notice a hughe performance difference in the mailbackend
if i move the mailserver on the other vmware-host as the
web-backend is running even of gigabit ethernet

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