This thread is going on and on and on and on,
does anyone have time to actually measure I/O?
Let's make numbers talk.


2012/5/9 Rick James <>

> A BTree that is small enough to be cached in RAM can be quickly
> maintained.  Even the “block splits” are not too costly without the I/O.
> A big file that needs sorting �C bigger than can be cached in RAM �C is more
> efficiently done with a dedicated “sort merge” program.  A “big” INDEX on a
> table may be big enough to fall into this category.
> I/O is the most costly part of any of these operations.  My rule of thumb
> for MySQL SQL statements is:  If everything is cached, the query will run
> ten times as fast as it would if things have to be fetched from disk.
> Sortmerge works this way:
> 1.       Sort as much of the file as you can in RAM.  Write that sorted
> piece to disk.
> 2.       Repeat for the next chunk of the file.  Repeat until the input
> file is broken into sorted chunks.
> 3.       Now, “merge” those chunks together �C take the first row from
>  each, decide which is the “smallest”, send it to the output
> 4.       Repeat until finished with all the pieces.
> For a really big task, there may have to be more than on “merge” pass.
> Note how sort merge reads the input sequentially once, writes the output
> sequentially once, and has sequential I/O for each merge chunk.
> “Sequential” I/O is faster than “random” I/O �C no arm motion on
> traditional disks.  (SSDs are a different matter; I won’t go into that.)
> The “output” from the sortmerge is fed into code that builds the BTree for
> the table.  This building of the BTree is sequential �C fill the first
> block, move on to the next block, and never have to go back.
> BTrees (when built randomly), if they need to spill to disk, will involve
> random I/O.  (And we are talking about an INDEX that is so big that it
> needs to spill to disk.)
> When a block “splits”, one full block becomes two half-full blocks.
>  Randomly filling a BTree leads to, on average, the index being 69% full.
>  This is not a big factor in the overall issue, but perhaps worth noting.
> How bad can it get?  Here’s an example.
> ・         You have an INDEX on some random value, such as a GUID or MD5.
> ・         The INDEX will be 5 times as big as you can fit in RAM.
> ・         MySQL is adding to the BTree one row at a time (the
> non-sortmerge way)
> When it is nearly finished, only 1 of 5 updates to the BTree can be done
> immediately in RAM; 4 out of 5 updates to the BTree will have to hit disk.
>  If you are using normal disks, that is on the order of 125 rows per second
> that you can insert �C Terrible!  Sortmerge is likely to average over 10,000.
> From: Zhangzhigang []
> Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2012 9:13 PM
> To: Rick James
> Cc:
> Subject: 回复: Why is creating indexes faster after inserting massive data
> rows?
> James...
> >* By doing all the indexes after building the table (or at least all the
> non-UNIQUE indexes), "sort merge" can be used.  This technique had been
> highly optimized over the past half-century, and is more efficient.
> I have a question about "sort merge":
> Why does it do the all "sort merge"?
> In my opinion, it just maintains the B tree and inserts one key into a B
> tree node which has fewer sorted keys, so it is good performance.
> If it only does the "sort merge", the B tree data structure have to been
> created separately. it wastes some performance.
> Does it?
> ________________________________
> 发件人: Rick James <<>>
> 收件人: Johan De Meersman <<>>;
> Zhangzhigang <<>>
> 抄送: "<>" <
> 发送日期: 2012年5月8日, 星期二, 上午 12:35
> 主题: RE: Why is creating indexes faster after inserting massive data rows?
> * Batch INSERTs run faster than one-row-at-a-time, but this is unrelated
> to INDEX updating speed.
> * The cache size is quite important to dealing with indexing during
> INSERT; see <
> * Note that mysqldump sets up for an efficient creation of indexes after
> loading the data.  This is not practical (or necessarily efficient) when
> incremental INSERTing into a table.
> As for the original question...
> * Updating the index(es) for one row often involves random BTree
> traversals.  When the index(es) are too big to be cached, this can involve
> disk hit(s) for each row inserted.
> * By doing all the indexes after building the table (or at least all the
> non-UNIQUE indexes), "sort merge" can be used.  This technique had been
> highly optimized over the past half-century, and is more efficient.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Johan De Meersman [<mailto:
> > Sent: Monday, May 07, 2012 1:29 AM
> > To: Zhangzhigang
> > Cc:<>
> > Subject: Re: Why is creating indexes faster after inserting massive
> > data rows?
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > > From: "Zhangzhigang" <<mailto:
> > >
> > > Creating indexes after inserting massive data rows is faster than
> > > before inserting data rows.
> > > Please tell me why.
> >
> > Plain and simple: the indices get updated after every insert statement,
> > whereas if you only create the index *after* the inserts, the index
> > gets created in a single operation, which is a lot more efficient.
> >
> > I seem to recall that inside of a transaction (thus, InnoDB or so) the
> > difference is markedly less; I might be wrong, though.
> >
> >
> > --
> > Bier met grenadyn
> > Is als mosterd by den wyn
> > Sy die't drinkt, is eene kwezel
> > Hy die't drinkt, is ras een ezel
> >
> > --
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