sorry I forget the ORDER BY in the SELECT statement so the correct SELECT statement is:

SELECT ruid1, ruid2, overlap FROM l4_link WHERE ruid1=xxx OR ruid2=xxx ORDER BY overlap DESC

Am 20.06.2012 22:42, schrieb Christian Koetteritzsch:
Thanks for the information. It is no problem if it takes days or weeks, because the server is specially for such tasks that takes time and uses lots of resources.

Am 20.06.2012 19:55, schrieb Rick James:
Even if you get past the "REPAIR WITH KEYCACHE", the ALTER will still take days, maybe weeks.

I strongly recommend you do not try to access that many rows directly. Instead, build summary tables, and access them. We can discuss further.
Did you mean that I make several partitions with for example 1 Billion Entries and than make a union of the results from the partitions?

Unfortunately, you did not even include a PRIMARY KEY when you built the table. This makes any operations slow.
There is no PRIMARY KEY because ruid1 and ruid2 are not unique values.

I need an index for ruid1 and for ruid2.
What will your SELECTs look like?  You may be better off with
INDEX(ruid1, ruid2, overlap), and
INDEX(ruid2, ruid1, overlap)

Will you be adding more rows to this table?  Or is it now static?
No data will be added to this table so it is a static table. And the index, as i have planed them will be
INDEX(ruid1), and INDEX(ruid2).

My SELECT looks like this:

SELECT ruid1, ruid2, overlap FROM l4_link WHERE ruid1=xxx OR ruid2=xxx

and xxx are the same int values

What are the semantics of the fields?
The semantic behind these fields are, that ruid1 and ruid2 are ID's for sentences that have common words and overlap is the number of words they have in common.

I hope the informations I gave you are helpful. If you have more questions than you can ask them.

Kind regards


-----Original Message-----
From: Ananda Kumar []
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 4:37 AM
To: Christian Koetteritzsch
Subject: Re: Indexing about 40 Billion Entries

looks like the value that you give for myisam_max_sort_size is not
enough for the index creation and hence it doing a "REPAIR WITH

Use the below query to set the min values required for
myisam_max_sort_size to avoid "repair with keycache"

         a.index_name as index_name,
         (select count(*) from `db_name`.`table_name`) *(
         @@global.myisam_data_pointer_size +
         sum(ifnull(1 + `a`.`sub_part` *
                 ifnull(1 + `b`.`character_octet_length`,
when `b`.`data_type` = 'tinyint' then 1
                                 when `b`.`data_type` = 'smallint' then
when `b`.`data_type` = 'mediumint' then
                                 when `b`.`data_type` = 'int' then 4
                                 when `b`.`data_type` = 'bigint' then 8
                                 when `b`.`data_type` = 'float' then 4
                                 when `b`.`data_type` = 'double' then 8
                                 when `b`.`data_type` = 'real' then 8
                                 when `b`.`data_type` = 'bit' then 8
                                 when `b`.`data_type` = 'date' then 3
                                 when `b`.`data_type` = 'datetime' then
when `b`.`data_type` = 'timestamp' then
                                 when `b`.`data_type` = 'time' then 3
                                 when `b`.`data_type` = 'year' then 1
                                 when `b`.`data_type` = 'enum' then 2
                                 when `b`.`data_type` = 'set' then 8
when `b`.`data_type` = 'decimal' then 8


         + if(`a`.`nullable`='YES',1,0)
         + if(`b`.`character_octet_length` >=255,2,0)
         ))/1048576)*1048576  as `index_size` from
`information_schema`.`statistics` `a`, `information_schema`.`columns`
`b` where
         `a`.`table_name`=`b`.`table_name` and
         `a`.`table_schema`=`b`.`table_schema` and
         `a`.`column_name`=`b`.`column_name` and
         `a`.`table_schema`='db_name' and

group by `a`.`index_name`
order by `index_size` desc limit 1;

On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 3:15 PM, Christian Koetteritzsch <> wrote:

Hi guys,

As the title says I'm trying to index 40 billion entries with two
indexes on a server with 16 cores and 128GB RAM. The table is the one
below and it is a myisam table. The *.myd file is about 640GB

CREATE TABLE  `l4_link` (
  `ruid1` int NOT NULL,
  `ruid2` int NOT NULL,
  `overlap` int NOT NULL

I need an index for ruid1 and for ruid2.

The status for this table is the following:

           Name: l4_link
         Engine: MyISAM
        Version: 10
     Row_format: Fixed
           Rows: 39806500262
  Avg_row_length: 17
    Data_length: 676710504454
Max_data_length: 4785074604081151
   Index_length: 1024
      Data_free: 0
  Auto_increment: NULL
    Create_time: 2012-06-19 14:51:29
    Update_time: 2012-06-19 16:26:35
     Check_time: NULL
      Collation: utf8_general_ci
       Checksum: NULL

The variables for myisam are the following:
mysql> show global variables like '%myisam%';
| Variable_name                       | Value
| myisam_data_pointer_size  | 6         |
| myisam_max_sort_file_size | 9223372036853727232      |
| myisam_mmap_size             | 18446744073709551615    |
| myisam_recover_options     | BACKUP       |
| myisam_repair_threads       | 1             |
| myisam_sort_buffer_size    | 8388608
| myisam_stats_method        | nulls_unequal |
| myisam_use_mmap             | OFF
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

The temp folder has about 16tb free space.

When I start the indexing process, it copies the 640Gb into a temp
file and then starts with "repair with keycache".
On the internet I found that if it says "repair with keycache" you
shold increase the "myisam_max_sort_file_size", but this didn't work.
It still says "repair with keycache" after it copied the data to the
temp dir.

I hope you have any idea how to fix this.

Thanks in advance.


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