For those interested 5.5.25a has been released overnight, long after
oracle claimed it was there.
frankly., I think they ought to have use 5.5.26.

To those who replied to me directly, a few facts...

1/ it never affected me directly - my gripe with them was on principle
and their actions (or lack thereof) towards those that were affected

2/ to the wanker who said people deserve what they get for untesting on
DEV bed first ...  this is true  _IF_ it was a major release.
    (as I hope we all do)   _BUT_  you don't expect to get fucked over
by a point release, to have that happen, shows incompetence    on the
part of the software developer, not the users. 

On Sat, 2012-06-30 at 14:15 +1000, Noel Butler wrote:

> I wonder if you would have the same opinion to say your Operating
> System environment, Apache, php, any mainstream server daemon, how
> about they pull the current version for a serious bug, but dont tell
> anyone... 
> Oracle have been quick to announce new releases of mysql, but failed
> to issue a notice saying " uhoh, you better not use it" instead,
> putting a small notice, where, on a fricken manual page FFS. who the
> hell reads that! and they say use version "a" which does not even
> exist, I'd hate to think of how many high profile sites are at risk of
> being screwed over by yet MORE oracle incompetence.
> No one would think  any less of them if they sent that notice, many
> would be appreciative, but to "hide" such a serious issue that was
> enough for them to withdraw and remove that version, is outright
> despicable.
> On Fri, 2012-06-29 at 22:58 -0400, Govinda wrote: 
> > >> That was nice of oracle to announce this wasn't it ...    (/sarcasm)
> > >> 
> > 
> > I am not aligned with any side.. and I am also not 
> > known/qualified/respected in this group enough to make much of a 
> > statement...  but:
> > IMHO, In almost all matters, *appreciation* is the only approach that will 
> > serve... let alone sustain happiness...  
> > ...and especially when we consider what little we must give to have right 
> > to use MySQL.
> > 
> > Sure, desire for better communication/usability makes total sense.. but I 
> > am just also observing/suggesting: please add (positively) to the 
> > atmosphere.. for everyones' sake.  Just us humans under the hood.
> > 
> > -Govinda

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