On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 12:04 AM,  <h...@tbbs.net> wrote:
>>>>> 2012/09/18 06:53 -0400, Larry Martell >>>>
> This works fine. But now I need to get a certain column
> (image_measurer_id) with each row returned that corresponds to the row
> from the group that has bottom = Min(bottom), bottom = Max(bottom),
> bottom closest to Avg(bottom), and bottom from the row where date_time
> = Max(date_time).
> <<<<<<<<
> There is a standard and ugly way of getting such a thing, but it entails 
> repeating the table reference (supposing you want any, not every, to match):
> SELECT data_cst.target_name_id, image_measurer_id, nb, xb, vb, xt, bottom
> FROM (SELECT Min(bottom) AS nb, Max(bottom) AS xb, MIN(ABS(Avg(bottom) - 
> bottom)) AS vb, Max(date_time) AS xt
> FROM data_cst
>       WHERE target_name_id IN (775, 776, 777, 778, 779, 780, 45, 44, 116, 
> 117, 118, 119, 120, 121)
>       AND DATE(data_cst.date_time) = '2010-03-04'
>       GROUP BY target_name_id, ep, wafer_id
>       HAVING count(*) < 999) AS st
> JOIN data_cst ON st.target_name_id = data_cst.target_name_id AND (nb = bottom 
> OR xb = bottom OR vb = bottom OR date_time = xt)
> One record will be returned for every row that holds a relevant extremum, not 
> guaranteed to be unique.
> This query pertains only to your original subquery, not the whole query. To 
> get the result to which you refer, join this to your original query, to which 
> you have added something like vb:
> FROM (original query) JOIN (this query) ON nb = minbottom AND xb = maxbottom 
> AND xt = "Last Run" AND vb = .... AND (original query).target_name_id = 
> (this_query).target_name_id

Thanks. I will look into doing it like this.

I got the min, max, and date conditions to work by adding the joins
that Rick suggested:

join data_cst mn ON mn.bottom = q1.minbottom
join data_cst mx ON mx.bottom = q1.maxbottom
join data_cst lr ON lr.date_time = q1.LastRun

But now you have me wondering - if this just matching on that one
field, then it can be returning a row from data_cst that is not part
of the original result set? Do I need to add all the same select
criteria to each join?

> --but I am not confident in the result. There are problems in the original 
> query, the biggest that of avgbottom, stdbottom, maxbottom, minbottom none 
> are aggregated over wafer_id.

The inner query aggregates over target_name_id, ep, wafer_id, and the
the outer query aggregates that result set over target_name_id, ep.
The avg and std are what the client wants - average of averages and
standards deviations. As are the min and max - the outer query returns
the min and max of all the wafers for each target, ep.

> Therefore, it is not certain from which record from q1 they are returned. 
> MySQL tends to pick the first that fits, but not only is nothing guaranteed, 
> it is explicitly written that if such not aggregated fields appear, the 
> output is not determinate unless all pertinent are equal, the possibility 
> wherof the reason for allowing it.

Yes, if case with dups probably had not been thought of by them, and
will have to be addressed at some point.

> When that has been handled, it is needful to change the foregoing query to 
> match that one in two levels, because averaging is not associative (there is 
> also the problem of equality-testing on generated floating-point numbers). If 
> it were only MAX and MIN, one level of not GROUPing BY wafer_id would be all 
> right.
> By the way, in the original query, I suggest instead of
> data_cst.date_time BETWEEN '2010-03-04 00:00:00' AND
> '2010-03-04 23:59:59'
> this,
> DATE(data_cst.date_time) = '2010-03-04'

The date_time was just an example. Depending on user input the query
could have times in it.

> Instead of
>      ... q1,
>      data_target
> WHERE data_target.id = target_name_id
> this would be better:
>      ... q1 JOIN data_target ON data_target.id = target_name_id

Why is one better then the other?

> I believe that
>      100-((SUM(numonep) - SUM(numbottoms))/SUM(numonep)*100)
>    = 100*SUM(numbottoms)/SUM(numonep)
> and
>      SUM(CASE WHEN reruns > 0 THEN reruns ELSE 0 END)
>    = SUM(GREATEST(reruns, 0))

Yes, thanks - yours is clearer and I've made those changes.

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