Hi Manuel

Please take careful note of what I have stated in the original mail.

1. the fact that the slaves say "seconds behind master = 0" does not neccesarily mean that repliication is working as I have found this a lot of times where it shows 0 then have proven that replication was not working (I.e. data not being processed on the slave). The 0 seconds simply means that it has read all the data but does not mean that it has been processed or up to date.

2. the Exec_Master_Log_Pos and Master_Log_File are in fact out of sync with the master (i.e. on the master the file and log position are way ahead of the slaves by about 9 hours).

3. We have tested replication by creating a test table in the database with some data and it was not replicated to the slaves.


On 11/12/2012 03:11 PM, Manuel Arostegui wrote:

2012/11/12 Machiel Richards - Gmail <machiel.richa...@gmail.com <mailto:machiel.richa...@gmail.com>>

    Hi Guys

            We need some assistance with a master slave setup we are
    experiencing some issues with.

            We have one master with 2 slaves replicating from it.

            Both the slaves stopped working this morning in the early
    hours at exactly the same bin_log file and position.

            We have since restarted the slave servers and when you run
    a "show slave status" the seconds behind master stays "0".

            Upon closer investigation, the Relay_Master_Log_File and
    Exec_Master_Log_Pos does not change, although all other values are

            No errors are being logged, and there is enough disk space
    on the server so it can't be space related.

            Can anyone suggest some things we can check or do in order
    to get replication sorted and to avoid future issues like this?

Hello Machiel,

If seconds behind the master is at 0 it means the replication is working fine - it's not broken (broken would show NULL) What you can do to make sure both machines are indeed replicating all the data arriving to the master is:

Master: show master status\G
Check File and Position field

Slave: show slave status\G
Check Exec_Master_Log_Pos and Master_Log_File

The should be the same in both, master and slaves.
Keep in mind these values will change if the master is getting writes. So try to run the commands at the same time in the 3 servers.

Good luck!

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