After setting innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=0 it seems to start working as
expected for me:

mysql> show variables like 'innodb_autoinc_lock_mode';
| Variable_name            | Value |
| innodb_autoinc_lock_mode | 0     |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> truncate test;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> load data infile '/tmp/ABC3x' into table test fields terminated
by ';' enclosed by '#' lines terminated by '\r\n'
(@var1,@var2,@var3,@var4,@var5,@var6,@var7) SET pc_type='ABC';
Query OK, 17922 rows affected (0.21 sec)
Records: 17922  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> show create table test;
| Table | Create Table

| test  | CREATE TABLE `test` (
  `pc_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `pc_type` enum('ABC','DEF') DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`pc_id`)
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Shame it's a read-only variable and need to restart whole MySQL server.

2013/3/13 spameden <>:
> Nevermind, I've found the bug:
> I'm gonna subscribe for it and see if it's gonna be resolved.
> Many thanks guys for all your assistance!
> 2013/3/13 spameden <>:
>> 2013/3/13 Rick James <>:
>>> AUTO_INCREMENT guarantees that it will not assign the same number twice.  
>>> That's about all it is willing to guarantee.
>>> With InnoDB, if a transaction starts, uses an auto_inc value, then rolls 
>>> back, that id is lost.
>> True, but if you do not specify START TRANSACTION I believe it's done
>> automatically? Nothing rolled back for me for that table and noone has
>> been using it except me.
>>> When you have multiple threads loading data into the same table, diff 
>>> values of innodb_autoinc_lock_mode give you diff tradeoff between speed and 
>>> predictability.  If replication is involved, you want predictability.
>> No, I do not have multiple threads, only 1.
>>> InnoDB and MyISAM act differently, especially after recovering from a crash.
>> I understand the difference between InnoDB and MyISAM. InnoDB is a
>> transactional DB engine with single row-level locking.
>>> If you DELETE the _highest_ id, then restart the server, that id will be 
>>> reused.  (This is irritating to some people.)  Otherwise, a deleted id will 
>>> not be reused.
>> I didn't DELETE anything! The only actions I did:
>> 1. Created the TABLE
>> 2. used LOAD FILE only via command line (1 thread)
>> So is it normal or should I fill a bug?
>>> There may be more.  Most of those are covered here:
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: spameden []
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 2:46 PM
>>>> To: Rick James
>>>> Cc:
>>>> Subject: Re: auto_increment field behavior
>>>> 2013/3/13 Rick James <>:
>>>> > What settings?  (innodb_autoinc_lock_mode comes to mind, but there
>>>> may
>>>> > be others.)
>>>> Hi, Rick.
>>>> Many thanks for the quick answer here is my settings:
>>>> mysql> show variables like '%inc%';
>>>> +-----------------------------+-------+
>>>> | Variable_name               | Value |
>>>> +-----------------------------+-------+
>>>> | auto_increment_increment    | 1     |
>>>> | auto_increment_offset       | 1     |
>>>> | div_precision_increment     | 4     |
>>>> | innodb_autoextend_increment | 8     |
>>>> | innodb_autoinc_lock_mode    | 1     |
>>>> +-----------------------------+-------+
>>>> 5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
>>>> >
>>>> > It is acceptable, by the definition of AUTO_INCREMENT, for it to burn
>>>> the missing 15K ids.
>>>> I don't get this explanation, could you please explain bit more? So
>>>> it's completely normal for AUTO_INCREMENT field to act like this?
>>>> >
>>>> >> -----Original Message-----
>>>> >> From: spameden []
>>>> >> Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 2:34 PM
>>>> >> To:
>>>> >> Subject: auto_increment field behavior
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Hi, I'm running MySQL-5.5 on Ubuntu
>>>> >>
>>>> >> ~ $ mysqld -V
>>>> >> mysqld  Ver 5.5.29-0ubuntu0.12.04.2 for debian-linux-gnu on x86_64
>>>> >> ((Ubuntu))
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Would like to know if it's normal behavior with auto_increment field
>>>> >> (tried both signed and unsigned now):
>>>> >>
>>>> >> mysql> show create table phone_codes;
>>>> >> +-------------+-----------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> +-------------+--
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --+
>>>> >> | Table       | Create Table
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>   |
>>>> >> +-------------+-----------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> +-------------+--
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --+
>>>> >> | phone_codes | CREATE TABLE `phone_codes` (
>>>> >>   `pc_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
>>>> >>   `pc_type` enum('ABC','DEF') DEFAULT NULL,
>>>> >>   `pc_code` decimal(3,0) NOT NULL,
>>>> >>   `pc_from` decimal(7,0) NOT NULL,
>>>> >>   `pc_to` decimal(7,0) NOT NULL,
>>>> >>   `pc_capacity` decimal(8,0) NOT NULL,
>>>> >>   `pc_operator` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
>>>> >>   `pc_city` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
>>>> >>   `pc_region` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
>>>> >>   PRIMARY KEY (`pc_id`),
>>>> >>   KEY `pc_code` (`pc_code`),
>>>> >>   KEY `pc_code_from_to` (`pc_code`,`pc_from`,`pc_to`),
>>>> >>   KEY `pc_operator` (`pc_operator`),
>>>> >>   KEY `pc_city` (`pc_city`),
>>>> >>   KEY `pc_region` (`pc_region`)
>>>> >> ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 |
>>>> >> +-------------+-----------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> +-------------+--
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --+
>>>> >> 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
>>>> >>
>>>> >> mysql> load data infile '/tmp/ABC3x' into table phone_codes fields
>>>> >> terminated by ';' enclosed by '#' lines terminated by '\r\n'
>>>> >> (pc_code,pc_from,pc_to,pc_capacity,pc_operator,pc_city,pc_region)
>>>> SET
>>>> >> pc_type='ABC'; Query OK, 17922 rows affected (4.44 sec)
>>>> >> Records: 17922  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 0
>>>> >>
>>>> >> mysql> show create table phone_codes;
>>>> >> +-------------+-----------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> +-------------+--
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> -----------------------+
>>>> >> | Table       | Create Table
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>                        |
>>>> >> +-------------+-----------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> +-------------+--
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> -----------------------+
>>>> >> | phone_codes | CREATE TABLE `phone_codes` (
>>>> >>   `pc_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
>>>> >>   `pc_type` enum('ABC','DEF') DEFAULT NULL,
>>>> >>   `pc_code` decimal(3,0) NOT NULL,
>>>> >>   `pc_from` decimal(7,0) NOT NULL,
>>>> >>   `pc_to` decimal(7,0) NOT NULL,
>>>> >>   `pc_capacity` decimal(8,0) NOT NULL,
>>>> >>   `pc_operator` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
>>>> >>   `pc_city` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
>>>> >>   `pc_region` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
>>>> >>   PRIMARY KEY (`pc_id`),
>>>> >>   KEY `pc_code` (`pc_code`),
>>>> >>   KEY `pc_code_from_to` (`pc_code`,`pc_from`,`pc_to`),
>>>> >>   KEY `pc_operator` (`pc_operator`),
>>>> >>   KEY `pc_city` (`pc_city`),
>>>> >>   KEY `pc_region` (`pc_region`)
>>>> >> +-------------+-----------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> +-------------+--
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> -----------------------+
>>>> >> 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
>>>> >>
>>>> >> NOTE: AUTO_INCREMENT is 32768 instead of 17923 ! So next inserted
>>>> row
>>>> >> would have pc_id=32768.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Please suggest if it's normal behavior or not.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Many thanks.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> MySQL General Mailing List
>>>> >> For list archives:
>>>> >> To unsubscribe:
>>>> >

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