A bit more readable:

select  (mod(dayofweek(`Query1`.`Appointment_Date`)+7-1,7)),
     {fn CONCAT({fn CONCAT({fn CONCAT(cast(extract(hourfrom  
`Time_Difference_Query`.`Created_Date`) as char(25)),':')}, 
     cast(extract(minute from  `Time_Difference_Query`.`Created_Date`) as 
        ( SELECT  distinct `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`encType` as "Encounter_Type" ,
                case when `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`encLock` = 0 then 'UnLocked' else 
'Locked' end as "Chart_Lock_Status" ,
                `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`notesDoneTime` as "Notes_Done_Time" ,
                `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`dateOut` as "Notes_Done_Date" ,
                `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`timeIn` as "Appointments_Checked_In" ,
                `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`timeOut` as "Appointments_Checked_Out" ,
                `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`depTime` as "Appointments_Departure_Time" ,
                `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`arrivedTime` as "Appointments_Arrived_Time" ,
                `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`endTime` as "Appointment_End_Time" ,
                `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`startTime` as "Appointment_Start_Time" ,
                `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`date` as "Appointment_Date" ,
                `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`encounterID` as "Encounter_ID" ,
                `EDI_FACILITIES`.`Name` as "Facility_Name" ,
                `APPOINTMENT_PROVIDER`.`uid` as "Appointment_Provider_ID" ,
                {fn CONCAT({fn CONCAT({fn CONCAT({fn 
               `APPOINTMENT_PROVIDER`.`ufname`)}, ' ')},
                `APPOINTMENT_PROVIDER`.`uminitial`)} as 
            from  (`enc` `EMR_ENCOUNTER`
            LEFT OUTER JOIN  `edi_facilities` `EDI_FACILITIES` on 
            LEFT OUTER JOIN  (`doctors` `APPOINTMENT_DOCTOR`
            INNER JOIN  `users` `APPOINTMENT_PROVIDER` on 
                 on `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`doctorID` = `APPOINTMENT_DOCTOR`.`doctorID`
            where  `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`encType` = 2
              and  `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`date` between cast('2011-01-01' as date) 
and cast('2013-05-07' as date)
              and  `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`patientID` <> 8663
              and  `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`VisitType` <> 'PTDASH'
              and  `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`deleteFlag` = 0
              and  `APPOINTMENT_PROVIDER`.`UserType` = 1
              and  `APPOINTMENT_PROVIDER`.`delFlag` = 0
              and  `EDI_FACILITIES`.`DeleteFlag` = 0
        ) `Query1`
        ( SELECT  distinct `Addressed_Query`.`moddate` as "Locked_Date" ,
                `Created_Query`.`moddate` as "Created_Date" ,
                `Created_Query`.`encounterid` as "encounterid" ,
                `Created_Query`.`reason` as "reason" , 
`Created_Query`.`Patient_Name` as "Patient_Name"
                ( SELECT  distinct `SQL1`.`moddate` as "moddate" , 
`SQL1`.`encounterid` as "encounterid" ,
                        `SQL1`.`actionflag` as "actionflag" , `SQL1`.`ufname` 
as "ufname" ,
                        `SQL1`.`ulname` as "ulname" , `SQL1`.`reason` as 
"reason" ,
                        {fn CONCAT({fn CONCAT(`SQL1`.`ulname`, ', ')},
                        `SQL1`.`ufname`)} as "Patient_Name"
                        ( SELECT  users.ufname,users.ulname,cast(reason as 
char(30)) as reason,
                            from  telenc_loghist
                            inner join  enc on 
                            inner join  users on users.uid=enc.patientid
                            where  actionflag in(0)
                              and  enc.date between '2011-01-01' and 
'2013-05-07') `SQL1`
                ) `Created_Query`
            LEFT OUTER JOIN  
                ( SELECT  distinct `Q2`.`moddate` as "moddate" , 
`Q2`.`encounterid` as "encounterid" ,
                        `Q2`.`actionflag` as "actionflag"
                        ( SELECT  
                            from  telenc_loghist
                            inner join  enc on 
                            where  actionflag in(4)
                              and  enc.date between '2011-01-01' and 
'2013-05-07') `Q2`
                ) `Addressed_Query` on `Created_Query`.`encounterid` = 
            where  NOT `Addressed_Query`.`moddate` is null
      ) `Time_Difference_Query`
               on `Query1`.`Encounter_ID` = 
    where  `Query1`.`Appointment_Provider_ID` in (9118, 9119, 60922, 9116, 
      and  `Query1`.`Facility_Name` in ('Fremont Family Care')
      and  `Query1`.`Appointment_Date` between cast(cast('2011-01-01' as date) 
as date)
                                           and cast(cast('2013-05-07' as date) 
as date)
      and  `Query1`.`Appointment_Provider_ID` = 60922;

The big problem is 
   FROM ( SELECT ... ) JOIN ( SELECT ... ) ON ...
Neither of those subqueries has an index, so there will be "table scans".  The 
solution is to CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ... SELECT for each one, then add an 

You SELECT a bunch of rows as Query1, then filter??  Can't you move the 
filtering into the subquery??

There is no need for either CAST in cast(cast('2013-05-07' as date) as date); 
simply use '2013-05-07'.

What does the {} syntax do?? 

    where  `Query1`.`Appointment_Provider_ID` in (9118, 9119, 60922, 9116, 
      and  `Query1`.`Appointment_Provider_ID`               = 60922;
The IN filter does nothing useful.

I think those changes will make the query run _much_ faster.  If not, provide 
the SHOW CREATE TABLE for the tables being used here, plus EXPLAIN SELECT.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robinson, Eric [mailto:eric.robin...@psmnv.com]
> Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 11:36 AM
> To: Rick James; Bruce Ferrell; mysql@lists.mysql.com
> Subject: RE: [>Suspected Spam<][Characteristics] RE: Slow Response --
> What Does This Sound Like to You?
> >
> > 1. MyISAM locks _tables_.  That can cause other connections to be
> > blocked.  Solution: switch to InnoDB.  Caution:  There are a few
> > caveats when switching; see
> > https://kb.askmonty.org/en/converting-tables-from-myisam-to-innodb/
> >
> > 2. As mentioned by Shawn, the Query Cache can be more trouble than it
> > is worth.  However 90 seconds cannot be blamed on the QC.  Still,
> > shrink it or turn it off:
> > * If frequently writing to tables, turn it off (type=OFF _and_
> size=0)
> > * If less frequently, then decide which queries will benefit, add
> > SQL_CACHE to them, set type=DEMAND and size=50M (no larger).
> >
> > 3. Meanwhile, try to make that long query more efficient.
> > Can you show it to us, together with SHOW CREATE TABLE, SHOW TABLE
> >
> Thanks for the feedback, Rick.
> There are 1200+ tables in the database, so I don't think you want a
> query in question is always some variation of the following. From
> looking at this, which table(s) would you like to see this information
> for?
> # Time: 130507 18:14:26
> # User@Host: site150_DbUser[site150_DbUser] @ cognos08.mycharts.md
> [] # Query_time: 82  Lock_time: 0  Rows_sent: 1
> Rows_examined: 914386 select
> (mod(dayofweek(`Query1`.`Appointment_Date`)+7-1,7)), {fn CONCAT({fn
> CONCAT({fn CONCAT(cast(extract(hour from
> `Time_Difference_Query`.`Created_Date`) as char(25)), ':')},
> cast(extract(minute from `Time_Difference_Query`.`Created_Date`) as
> char(25)))}, ':')}, `Time_Difference_Query`.`Created_Date`,
> `Query1`.`Appointment_Provider_Name` from (select distinct
> `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`encType` as "Encounter_Type" , case  when
> `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`encLock` = 0 then 'UnLocked' else 'Locked' end  as
> "Chart_Lock_Status" , `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`notesDoneTime` as
> "Notes_Done_Time" , `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`dateOut` as "Notes_Done_Date" ,
> `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`timeIn` as "Appointments_Checked_In" ,
> `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`timeOut` as "Appointments_Checked_Out" ,
> `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`depTime` as "Appointments_Departure_Time" ,
> `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`arrivedTime` as "Appointments_Arrived_Time" ,
> `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`endTime` as "Appointment_End_Time" ,
> `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`startTime` as "Appointment_Start_Time" ,
> `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`date` as "Appointment_Date" ,
> `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`encounterID` as "Encounter_ID" ,
> `EDI_FACILITIES`.`Name` as "Facility_Name" ,
> `APPOINTMENT_PROVIDER`.`uid` as "Appointment_Provider_ID" , {fn
> `APPOINTMENT_PROVIDER`.`ufname`)}, ' ')},
> `APPOINTMENT_PROVIDER`.`uminitial`)} as "Appointment_Provider_Name"
> from (`enc` `EMR_ENCOUNTER` LEFT OUTER JOIN `edi_facilities`
> `EDI_FACILITIES` on `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`facilityId` =
> `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`doctorID` = `APPOINTMENT_DOCTOR`.`doctorID` where
> `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`encType` = 2 and `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`date` between
> cast('2011-01-01' as date) and cast('2013-05-07' as date) and
> `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`patientID` <> 8663 and `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`VisitType` <>
> 'PTDASH' and `EMR_ENCOUNTER`.`deleteFlag` = 0 and
> `APPOINTMENT_PROVIDER`.`UserType` = 1 and
> `APPOINTMENT_PROVIDER`.`delFlag` = 0 and `EDI_FACILITIES`.`DeleteFlag`
> = 0) `Query1` LEFT OUTER JOIN (select distinct
> `Addressed_Query`.`moddate` as "Locked_Date" ,
> `Created_Query`.`moddate` as "Created_Date" ,
> `Created_Query`.`encounterid` as "encounterid" ,
> `Created_Query`.`reason` as "reason" , `Created_Query`.`Patient_Name`
> as "Patient_Name"  from (select distinct `SQL1`.`moddate` as "moddate"
> , `SQL1`.`encounterid` as "encounterid" , `SQL1`.`actionflag` as
> "actionflag" , `SQL1`.`ufname` as "ufname" , `SQL1`.`ulname` as
> "ulname" , `SQL1`.`reason` as "reason" , {fn CONCAT({fn
> CONCAT(`SQL1`.`ulname`, ', ')}, `SQL1`.`ufname`)} as "Patient_Name"
> from (select users.ufname,users.ulname,cast(reason as char(30)) as
> reason,
> telenc_loghist.actionflag,telenc_loghist.encounterid,telenc_loghist.mod
> date from telenc_loghist
>                      inner join enc on
> enc.encounterid=telenc_loghist.encounterid
>                      inner join users on users.uid=enc.patientid where
> actionflag in(0) and enc.date between '2011-01-01' and '2013-05-07')
> `SQL1`) `Created_Query` LEFT OUTER JOIN (select distinct `Q2`.`moddate`
> as "moddate" , `Q2`.`encounterid` as "encounterid" , `Q2`.`actionflag`
> as "actionflag"  from (select
> telenc_loghist.actionflag,telenc_loghist.encounterid,telenc_loghist.mod
> date from telenc_loghist
>                      inner join enc on
> enc.encounterid=telenc_loghist.encounterid where actionflag in(4) and
> enc.date between '2011-01-01' and '2013-05-07') `Q2`) `Addressed_Query`
> on `Created_Query`.`encounterid` = `Addressed_Query`.`encounterid`
> where  NOT `Addressed_Query`.`moddate` is null) `Time_Difference_Query`
> on `Query1`.`Encounter_ID` = `Time_Difference_Query`.`encounterid`
> where `Query1`.`Appointment_Provider_ID` in (9118, 9119, 60922, 9116,
> 47495) and `Query1`.`Facility_Name` in ('Fremont Family Care') and
> `Query1`.`Appointment_Date` between cast(cast('2011-01-01' as date) as
> date) and cast(cast('2013-05-07' as date) as date) and
> `Query1`.`Appointment_Provider_ID` = 60922;
> Also, the query cache size is currently set to 64MB. Do you really
> think turning it off is a good idea?
> The my.cnf file follows...
> [mysqld_safe]
> timezone=America/Chicago
> [mysqld]
> #-optimization
> skip-locking
> skip-innodb
> skip-bdb
> query_cache_type = 1
> tmp_table_size=1M
> wait_timeout=2048
> interactive_timeout=2048
> table_cache=1024
> query_cache_limit=1M
> thread_concurrency = 4
> key_buffer = 256M
> query_cache_size=64M
> max_allowed_packet = 1M
> sort_buffer_size = 512K
> read_buffer_size = 512K
> myisam_sort_buffer_size = 128M
> thread_cache_size=40
> max_connections=500
> max_tmp_tables=32
> lower_case_table_names=1
> #-turn on query logging
> #log=/ha01_mysql/site150/mysql/query.log
> log_slow_queries=/ha01_mysql/site150/mysql/slow_query.log
> long_query_time=3
> #-make this server a replication master
> #log-bin = /ha01_mysql/site150/mysql/binlogs/
> expire_logs_days=5
> server-id=99
> #replicate-do-db=mobiledoc_150
> I'm thinking that our best solution may be to re-enable the slave
> (currently disabled) and point the nasty query at it.
> By the way, we have considered switching to innodb, but there the
> advantages of MyISAM in our environment have usually outweighed.
> --Eric
> Disclaimer - May 10, 2013
> This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
> intended solely for Rick James,Bruce Ferrell,mysql@lists.mysql.com. If
> you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute,
> copy or alter this email. Any views or opinions presented in this email
> are solely those of the author and might not represent those of
> Physicians' Managed Care or Physician Select Management. Warning:
> Although Physicians' Managed Care or Physician Select Management has
> taken reasonable precautions to ensure no viruses are present in this
> email, the company cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage
> arising from the use of this email or attachments.
> This disclaimer was added by Policy Patrol:
> http://www.policypatrol.com/

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