Am 11.05.2013 21:49, schrieb
>>>>> 2013/05/11 20:50 +0600, SIVASUTHAN NADARAJAH >>>>
> I want to start the mysql from command prompt using "NET START MYSQL"BUT the 
> server not started. It display an error message. 
> C:\Users\PC> NET START MySQLSystem error 5 has occurred.
> Access is denied.
> could you please help me, how to start the Mysql service FROM command prompt? 

why not answer the question another user made hours ago?
under which account do you try to start mysqld?

hence you need FULL ADMIN PRIVILEGES on every OS to start services

or use the system settings which at least come up with a UAC request
alternative: use a proper operating system with a package-manager

google: "windows system error 5"

thid *is not* a MySQL problem
please ask windows questions at windows forums
> It is not started through the client, "mysql.exe"

why should the client start a server?

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