Am 15.07.2013 16:00, schrieb Hartmut Holzgraefe:
> On 15.07.2013 15:31, Egoitz Aurrekoetxea wrote:
>> Could Mysql cache cause a performance penalty, when invalidating
>> queries of a big Mysql cache zone?
> can, and *will* ... see also

Optimal size for your query cache: 0

thats ridiculous

> cache is locked while entries are being purged to prevent handing out
> cached results that may already be out-of-date, and the more active
> cache entries that need to be purged the longer it stays locked ...

but in most cases the benefit outbeats this overhead massive
since you have more read than write

[OK] Query cache efficiency: 93.6% (40M cached / 42M selects)
nobody can tell me that all these 40M queries would have been
faster without cache by reduce the overhead

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