I'm using MySQL 5.0.92-log.

I'm trying to do a pivot-sort-of-thing. I've tried a few things from the 
O'Reilly "SQL Cookbook," but I seem to be having a mental block.

I have a table of farm harvests. Each harvest has a date, quantity, and foreign 
keys into product and harvester tables:
CREATE TABLE s_product_harvest (
 id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `date` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT 'Date and time of harvest.',
 product int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '53',
 quantity decimal(10,3) NOT NULL default '1.000',
character set utf8 NOT NULL default 'kilograms',
 who1 int(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '2' COMMENT 'Who harvested this 
 notes varchar(255) character set utf8 NOT NULL,
 KEY product (product),
 KEY `date` (`date`),
 KEY who1 (who1),
) ENGINE=InnoDB  DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin COMMENT='historical list 
of EcoReality farm products harvested';

What I want is a report with years as columns, and rows of:
        first harvest (MIN(date)),
        last harvest (MAX(date)),
        days of harvest (DATEDIFF(MAX(date), MIN(date))) and
        total (SUM(quantity)).

        first/last      2007    2008    2009    ...
        first           Aug 5   Sep 27  Aug 7
        last            Oct 1   Nov 24  Oct 16
        days    57              108             82
        kg              10.17   16.7    46.53

This is my first attempt, and it appears to be giving me a row per year, with 
the first sequential harvest date for each year. I can get the data I want by 
making each one a separate column, but that's ugly and I want them in rows.

 'first_last' AS `First/Last`,
 CASE WHEN YEAR(harvest.date)='2007' THEN DATE_FORMAT(harvest.date, '%b %e') 
ELSE 0 END AS '2007',
 CASE WHEN YEAR(harvest.date)='2008' THEN DATE_FORMAT(harvest.date, '%b %e') 
ELSE 0 END AS '2008',
 CASE WHEN YEAR(harvest.date)='2009' THEN DATE_FORMAT(harvest.date, '%b %e') 
ELSE 0 END AS '2009',
 CASE WHEN YEAR(harvest.date)='2010' THEN DATE_FORMAT(harvest.date, '%b %e') 
ELSE 0 END AS '2010',
 CASE WHEN YEAR(harvest.date)='2011' THEN DATE_FORMAT(harvest.date, '%b %e') 
ELSE 0 END AS '2011',
 CASE WHEN YEAR(harvest.date)='2012' THEN DATE_FORMAT(harvest.date, '%b %e') 
ELSE 0 END AS '2012',
 CASE WHEN YEAR(harvest.date)='2013' THEN DATE_FORMAT(harvest.date, '%b %e') 
ELSE 0 END AS '2013',
 CASE WHEN YEAR(harvest.date)='2014' THEN DATE_FORMAT(harvest.date, '%b %e') 
ELSE 0 END AS '2014'
 s_product_harvest harvest
WHERE harvest.product = 4 /* product ID for tomatoes */
GROUP BY YEAR(harvest.date)

Using an example from "SQL Cookbook" on page 372, I tried to select from a 
subquery, grouped by a rank, but I kept getting one result row, and I can't 
figure out how to get the literal row headers.

Any ideas?

:::: Compared to those on pasteurized milk, children who received raw certified 
milk had better weight gain and greater protection against rachitis. -- Ron 
:::: Jan Steinman, EcoReality Co-op ::::

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