The plot thickens...

I noticed that I have similar queries that work as expected. The difference 
appears to be that every query that is broken uses " WITH ROLLUP", and removing 
this makes them behave as expected.

Is this a known bug? Should I submit it as such?

If someone would be so kind as to point me to the bug system, I'll crawl around 
in there to see if it's a known problem.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Jan Steinman <>
> Date: 3 November 2013 18:35:47 PST
> MySQL 5.0.92-log
> I'm trying to form a clickable link using CONCAT, but the link as displayed 
> points to the NEXT row's URL, not the one from the same row as the other data 
> displayed!
> Is there something I don't understand about this?
> Below is the query. "{{{1}}}" is replaced by a year, like "2013".
> The second column is the problem one. When the table is displayed, the link 
> in the `Product` field points to the NEXT SEQUENTIAL product row! In other 
> words, if you click on the link for "garlic," you'll get the page for 
> "gherkins."
> Live example is at:
> If you hover over the link in the `Product` column, you can clearly see that 
> the page at the link is not the same as that in the `ID` column, but is in 
> fact the same `ID` as the next sequential row. I am so confused.
>   harvest.product AS ID,
>   CONCAT('<a href="', s_product.ID, 
> '">', COALESCE(, 'TOTAL:'), '</a>') AS `Product`,
>   FORMAT(sum(harvest.quantity), 3) AS `<a 
> href="";>Harvest</a>`,
>   harvest.units AS Units,
>  CONCAT('$', FORMAT((SUM(harvest.quantity) * prices.price), 2)) AS Value,
>   prices.market_type AS `R-W`,
>   COUNT(*) AS Harvests,
>   DATE(MIN( AS Begin,
>   DATE(MAX( AS End
>   s_product_harvest harvest
>   s_product on s_product.ID = harvest.product AND
>   s_product.units = harvest.units
>   s_product_market_prices prices ON prices.product_ID = harvest.product AND
>   prices.units = harvest.units AND
>   year(prices.price_date) = year(
>   year( = {{{1}}}
> :::: Some days I wonder if it might not be better to culturally engineer 
> humans to enjoy small scale garden farming than to genetically engineer weeds 
> to save large scale agribusiness. -- Gene Logsdon
> :::: Jan Steinman, EcoReality Co-op ::::

:::: The competition for grain between the wealthy car drivers of the world and 
the poorest people who are trying to survive is a moral issue that we should 
not ignore. The continued increase in biofuels production will result in a 
continued decrease in food availability, which we could someday consider to be 
a crime against humanity. -- Pat Murphy
:::: Jan Steinman, EcoReality Co-op ::::

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