I have a need to store data that comes in an XML file in MySQL. I don't
want to store the entire file as a CBLOB, and it doesn't lend itself to
loading with Load XML. I am looking for tools that will help me create the
schema and parse and load the data. I have googled for this and I've found
many scholarly papers written about it, but the examples are always with
very simple XML files, and I haven't found any tools. I do have the xsd
schema for the XML file, but what's confusing me about how to design the
RDB schema is the unbounded recursion of the data. The data is basically
nodes that have parameters which have items with values. My first thought
was to simply have a node table and a parameter table with a foreign key
back to the node it belongs to. But when digging into the data I found that
nodes can have sub nodes - in one file I have this goes down for 7 levels,
but in theory there is no bound on that. I'm now sure how to best represent

Any experiences, advice, or pointers are very welcome.


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