On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 8:05 AM, Steven Siebert <smsi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Larry,
> I'm trying to figure out what your wanting to do with the data once its in
> mysql?  At first it seemed you didn't want to put it in as a lob because
> you might want to query on the data in different ways (kind of an
> assumption on my part, but a common reason to do this).  Then, you thought
> about making a very generic schema (parent-node) which really doesn't lend
> itself well to this goal.
> Could you explain what you plan to do with the data in mysql and maybe a
> little about the goal of the application?  Is this app specific to this
> data, or are you looking to build an app that can take any schema defined
> XML file, ingest it, and allow you to do some work with it?
> Why is a lob not appropriate for your needs?

Yes, I will need to query the data, and yes, it's app specific to the data.
The parent-node structure will meet my needs if I can figure out how to
preserver the unbound multi level nodes. There will be a higher level
table, which will have the file name, date received, and other identifying
info that will be start of the query. The nodes will have a foreign key
back to the file table. The queries will be something like "get the abcd
parameter from node x/y/z from the file foo.xml from 10/10/13". I guess I
can just store the x/y/z in the node table (as opposed to trying to
represent z is child of y which is a child of x in 3 different tables or

On Nov 22, 2013 7:24 AM, "Larry Martell" <larry.mart...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have a need to store data that comes in an XML file in MySQL. I don't
>> want to store the entire file as a CBLOB, and it doesn't lend itself to
>> loading with Load XML. I am looking for tools that will help me create the
>> schema and parse and load the data. I have googled for this and I've found
>> many scholarly papers written about it, but the examples are always with
>> very simple XML files, and I haven't found any tools. I do have the xsd
>> schema for the XML file, but what's confusing me about how to design the
>> RDB schema is the unbounded recursion of the data. The data is basically
>> nodes that have parameters which have items with values. My first thought
>> was to simply have a node table and a parameter table with a foreign key
>> back to the node it belongs to. But when digging into the data I found
>> that
>> nodes can have sub nodes - in one file I have this goes down for 7 levels,
>> but in theory there is no bound on that. I'm now sure how to best
>> represent
>> that.
>> Any experiences, advice, or pointers are very welcome.
>> Thanks-
>> larry

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