Thank you very much!





-----Original Message-----
From: Morgan Tocker [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 10:16 AM
To: Zhigang Zhang
Subject: Re: LIKE sql optimization


Hi Zhigang,


On Feb 11, 2014, at 8:48 PM, Zhigang Zhang <> wrote:


> I want to know the reason, in my opinion, to scan the smaller index data

> better performance than to scan the whole table data. 


I think I understand the question - you are asking why MySQL will not index
scan, find matching records, and then look them up rather than table scan?


I believe the answer is that there is no way of knowing if 1 row matches, or
all rows match.  In the worst case (where all rows match), it is much more
expensive to traverse between index and data rows for-each-record.


So a table scan is a “safe choice" / has less variance.=

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