Am 20.05.2014 15:26, schrieb Larry Martell:
> I have 2 servers, one is running 5.5.25a and the other 5.0.77.
> They both have the same collation and character set:
> +----------------------+
> +----------------------+
> | utf8_general_ci      |
> +----------------------+
> 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
> mysql> show variables like '%_server';
> +----------------------+----------+
> | Variable_name        | Value    |
> +----------------------+----------+
> | character_set_server | utf8     |
> | collation_server     | utf8_bin |
> +----------------------+----------+
> 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> Yet the 5.5.25a server is case sensitive as you would expect, but the
> 5.0.77 is not. How can I make the 5.0.77 server case sensitive?

and what collation have your tables and databases?
what collation is the client *really* using?

set collation_connection='utf8_general_ci';

what is in the servers environment variables and in the
cli-client don't say that much about applications and in
doubt your application should *always* set charset/collation

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