Hullo peoples, 

I'm not usually an advocate of MySQL Proxy and the like, but I'm stuck with one 
shitty application that utterly breaks whenever the database goes away 
unexpectedly. I can't change the application itself, so I find myself looking 
for options that allow the heathen contraption to not notice it's connection 
has switched. 

I am aware that connection state etc is likely to be lost anyway; I'll have to 
see wether or not that's going to be an issue during testing. 

I have two main questions: 
* am I remembering right that MySQL Proxy provides transparent failover ? 
* Are there other contenders in the same field, or alternate solutions ? 

Ideally I'm looking for a hyper-stable tool that can run on it's own VM, so the 
application doesn't notice when I switch backends. All the other applications 
play nice, in that they simply reconnect and go on with business, so it doesn't 
even *have* to take improbably loads. 

Thank you for any and all suggestions and information, 

What's tiny and yellow and very, very dangerous? 
A canary with the root password. 

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