Hi Johan,

I wanted to love mysql-proxy for so many years, so I understand you :)

> I have two main questions:
> * am I remembering right that MySQL Proxy provides transparent failover ?

You need to use/create a lua failover script, I've never seen or tried one.
What kept me from investing too much time and effort on it is that
mysql-proxy has been alpha for ages,
including not having been really multithreaded.

> * Are there other contenders in the same field, or alternate solutions ?

MaxScale looks really promising: https://github.com/skysql/MaxScale

I am testing it, it is not yet production ready probably, but it's
developing very fast and I like that you can telnet to a debug console and
monitor/manage it.
Plus you can write your own plugins, I'd definitely have a look at it.
1.0 beta was recently released:

> Ideally I'm looking for a hyper-stable tool that can run on it's own VM,
> so the application doesn't notice when I switch backends. All the other
> applications play nice, in that they simply reconnect and go on with
> business, so it doesn't even *have* to take improbably loads.

I think it is a shared mysqlians dream :)


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