
i've been already reading the documentation the whole day, but still confused 
and unsure what to do.

We have two databases which are important for our work. So both are stored 
hourly. Now I recognized that each database has a mixture of MyISAM- and 
InnoDB-tables. A backup of this mix does not seem to be easy. Until now it was 
dumped using "mysqldump --opt -u root --databases mausdb ...". What I 
understand until now is that --opt is not necessary because it is default. It 
includes, among others, --lock-tables which is senseful for saving 
MyISAM-tables. For InnoDB-tables --single-transaction is useful. But both are 
mutually exclusive 
 ). The dump of both take about 10 seconds. If the db is locked for that period 
I can live with.
When I use --single-transaction only the InnoDB-tables are consistent. Using 
--lock-tables the MyISAM-tables are stored consistently. What is about 
--lock-tables in conjunction with InnoDB-tables ?
Are they stored consistently ? Are they locked during the dumping ? As I said, 
I could live with a small lock period (< 30 sec). Would --lock-all-tables be 
better ?
"Lock all tables across all databases. This is achieved by acquiring a global 
read lock for the duration of the whole dump. This option automatically turns 
off --single-transaction and --lock-tables" (from the manpage). I can live with 
a global read lock for the duration of the whole dump.
--lock-tables causes any pending transactions to be committed implicitly 
 ). Is that a problem for the InnoDB tables ?

Our system is:
mysql-5.0.26-12.29.1 on a SLES 10 SP4 64 bit host.


Bernd Lentes

Institut für Entwicklungsgenetik
Gebäude 35.34 - Raum 208
HelmholtzZentrum münchen
phone: +49 89 3187 1241
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