Am 22.08.2014 um 19:40 schrieb Lentes, Bernd:
> i've been already reading the documentation the whole day, but still confused 
> and unsure what to do.
> We have two databases which are important for our work. So both are stored 
> hourly. Now I recognized that each database has a mixture of MyISAM- and 
> InnoDB-tables. A backup of this mix does not seem to be easy. Until now it 
> was dumped using "mysqldump --opt -u root --databases mausdb ...". What I 
> understand until now is that --opt is not necessary because it is default. It 
> includes, among others, --lock-tables which is senseful for saving 
> MyISAM-tables. For InnoDB-tables --single-transaction is useful. But both are 
> mutually exclusive 
> (
>  ). The dump of both take about 10 seconds. If the db is locked for that 
> period I can live with.
> When I use --single-transaction only the InnoDB-tables are consistent. Using 
> --lock-tables the MyISAM-tables are stored consistently. What is about 
> --lock-tables in conjunction with InnoDB-tables ?
> Are they stored consistently ? Are they locked during the dumping ? As I 
> said, I could live with a small lock period (< 30 sec). Would 
> --lock-all-tables be better ?
> "Lock all tables across all databases. This is achieved by acquiring a global 
> read lock for the duration of the whole dump. This option automatically turns 
> off --single-transaction and --lock-tables" (from the manpage). I can live 
> with a global read lock for the duration of the whole dump.
> --lock-tables causes any pending transactions to be committed implicitly 
> (
>  ). Is that a problem for the InnoDB tables ?
> Our system is:
> mysql-5.0.26-12.29.1 on a SLES 10 SP4 64 bit host

why that complex?

just setup replication because you have a lot of benefits:

* in case your master crashs and the FS got damaged you have a real-time 
* for backups you can stop the slave, tar the whole datadir and start the slave
* after it is restarted it pulls any change happened on the master due backup
* the backup is likely smaller than verbose sql dumps
* you do not need to care about table types and what not else

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