>>>> 2014/11/04 11:04 -0800, Jan Steinman >>>> I was not suggesting it for dates. The OP appeared to have a well-defined set of strings in a VARCHAR field THAT is what I suggested ENUMs for!
.... What is the update frequency of those VARCHARs? If you're adding them often or if you need to occasionally change their value I'd use another table with a reference. If they're immutable and new ones are not added often, there's no "design cost" at all to using ENUMs. I'd argue there's a higher maintenance cost to NOT using them! <<<<<<<< Ugh--I missed the discussion shift from the DATEs to the VARCHAR labels ... and now I wholeheartedly agree with you. As for the DATEs, I yet suspect that for performance maybe TIMESTAMP is slightly better than DATE. -- MySQL General Mailing List For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql To unsubscribe: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql