Totally with you, I had to get up and wash my hands after writing such
filth =)

On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 12:14 PM, Gary Smith <> wrote:

> On 29/02/2016 16:32, Steven Siebert wrote:
>> At risk of giving you too much rope to hang yourself: if you use
>> mysqldump to dump the database, if you use the --replace flag you'll
>> convert all INSERT statements to REPLACE, which when you merge will update
>> or insert the record, effectively "merging" the data.  This may be one
>> approach you want to look at, but may not be appropriate depending on your
>> specific situation.
>> I'd considered mentioning this myself, but this was the root of my
> comment about integrity - if the original database or tables are dropped,
> then the replace command will cause the data to poo all over the original
> dataset. As you mentioned in your (snipped) reply, this can go badly wrong
> in a short space of time without the correct controls in place. Even if
> they are in place, I'd have trouble sleeping at night if this were my
> circus.
> Gary

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