Have two virtual machines, both running RedHat 7. Both are also running MySQL 
5.6.29 and both have the same data. We have two databases, however, that keep 
throwing odd characters on one system but it's OK on the other and we've not 
been able to figure out why.

What it should look like (from the test machine, pointing to the database on 
the test machine):
Décimas a la censura de Carmen Aristegui
Guillermo Velázquez Benavidez

What it looks like on our Production database (from the test machine, pointing 
to the production database):
Décimas a la censura de Carmen Aristegui
Guillermo Velázquez Benavidez

We have verified the my.cnf is the same on both machines, using utf8 as the 
default character set. We have also verified the character sets for the 
databases and tables are identical. We know it has to be something with the 
MySQL database on our Production server because we can point Production to the 
Test database and it the characters are translated correctly. But we just 
haven't been able to figure out what it is - and it's been 48 hours worth of 
work and investigation. Any advice, guidance, or suggestions would be greatly 
appreciated!  Thank you!

Jamen McGranahan
Systems Services Librarian
Vanderbilt University LIbrary
Central Library
Room 811
419 21st Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37214

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