Thanks. That’s helpful and makes me think that there may be a “Mac hole” in the 
MySQL documentation. Windows is one thing and Linux another. OS X is sort of 
Unix, but only sort of, and the conventions are not as firmly established. For 
instance, the instructions for the MySQl Sandbox—on the face of it a useful 
utility—are much more Linux specific than the author tells you. Making them 
work on a Mac might be easy for someone who knows a lot about Linux. But if you 
don’t, as I don’t, you’re stuck

It would actually be terrific if MySql 5.7 by default  installed itself as a 
neighbor without encroaching on the 5.6 that is already there, like oXygen. It 
would be equally terrific if it just superseded 5.6, but let you get on with 
your work. But it doesn’t do one or the other.  It will overwrite without 
replacing, and you have to take a lot of very careful steps to make sure that 
things don’t get in each other’s way. The documentation for that, especially on 
the Mac side, is not good. 

If port 3306 is taken, how is one supposed to know that 3307 is a good 
alternative? Why not 3317 or 3703.  The MySQL documentation here is plagued by 
what Steven Pinker in a recent book on writing called the “curse of ignorance,” 
the fact that one neither knows nor cares about what the other person doesn’t 

On 7/2/16, 9:11 PM, " S.ndor" <> wrote:

2016/07/02 18:49 ... Martin Mueller:
> It’s clear from Section 6.6 of the Reference manual that I need to make sure 
> that the new installation differs from the old one with regard to the data 
> directory, the port number, the socket, the shared memory-base-name, and the 
> pid-file.
> It’s less clear to me where to change these setting. In the .dmg version of a 
> Mac version, you can’t make any choices. I don’t know whether it’s a bug or a 
> feature, but the button for customizing an installation doesn’t work.
> So the other option is the .tar file. There are a lot of files in that 
> directory, but no file that draws attention to itself as the file where you 
> make these changes.
> Some of the instructions are obscure to folks like me. What is a good port 
> number? Will anything do, or is there a list somewhere? What do I call an 
> alternate pid file?

Since I use Windows and not Mac, not all my experience is relevant, but 
there is a file, that for wIndows is called "my.ini" but the original 
name is "my.cnf", which is full of stuff. For a while I ran both 5.5 and 
5.6, with port 3306 for the former and 3307 for the latter.
There is on this machine a top-level directory "ProgramData", and the 
version-5.6 files are under "\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6" (yuck, 
backslash). I imagine for version 5.7 there is to be 
"\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7". This directory is named in 
"my.ini". The PID file is under this directory.
Maybe some of this maps onto the Mac version.
(Iself have begun to use SQLite for some purposes.)

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