Hi all,

I'm new to the whole PHP and MySql stuff and I hopeful that I can get a push
in the right direction for what I'm sure is a very sinple problem.

I have succesfully created a databse using telnet and added data to it also
using telnet.

I have also succesfully got the data to display on a page using PHP.

My problem is adding data from the PHP page.

My insert code is:

$query = "INSERT INTO guests ";

$query .= "(guest_id, guest_name, ";

$query .= "guest_email, guest_time, guest_message) ";

$query .= "values(0000,'$name','$email',NULL,'$message')";


or die("Unable to connect to SQL server");

mysql_select_db("blah") or die("Unable to select database");

mysql_query($query) or die("Insert Failed!");

When I add data via the form, npthing seems to happen, it does not add the
data to the databse, nor does it pop any errors.

Any help would be appreciated...tia

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