there is a way:

delete the column
add the column

then the auto increment will start from 1 up to the number of records.

be careful!  if there are records in other tables which refer the records 
in this table - the one being modified - those records WILL NOT BE UPDATED. 
and now your database is really broken.

you can postpone this problem for a very long time by using an unsigned 
bigint (0 - 2**64-1)
note i said postpone, not eliminate.

At 11:31 PM 7/7/01 +0100, you wrote:
>ANy idea how i can get my auto_increment fields to renumber themselves 
>after deletion of records so that they all get re-ordered and run 
>consecutively from  1 to whatever without any numbers missing ?
>Please help if you know how to do this
>Keith White

tom marlin
fax / voice mail: 714 507 3802 ext 4881
Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that
   - amateurs built the ark.
   - professionals built the Titanic.

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