I have standard search functionality on my site where a user can see NN items per 
screen of a much longer list of search results. I've found that MySQL returns small 
result sets out of a list of hits faster when queried in 2 parts than queried once. Am 
I doing something wrong ?

I have a fairly standard join query on a few tables with about 20,000 rows.

SELECT g.poster_id, g.poster_name, p.file_name, 
     p.file_size, p.post_subject, p.post_id, 
      DATE_FORMAT(p.post_date,'%b-%d-%y') AS date, p.file_extension 
    FROM users_to_files u, posts p, posters g
     WHERE p.poster_id = g.poster_id AND 
       p.post_id = u.post_id AND u.user_id = $folder_owner_id AND u.folder_id = 
       ORDER_BY g.poster_name, p.post_subject
      LIMIT 0,10

When I do a SELECT on that join to get just 10 rows using an ORDER BY and a LIMIT 0,10 
it takes about 2 seconds per set of 10. 

As an experiment I broke up this query into 2 parts & it only takes about 0.2 seconds 
or less per set of 10. 

#1 The first query gets just the post_id's that I care about. 

SELECT p.post_id 
       FROM posts p, posters g $POSTS_TO_GROUPS
        WHERE p.poster_id = g.poster_id  
         AND p.file_size > 0 
       ORDER BY g.poster_name, p.post_subject

#2 Then I do the joined query on all the columns on just the small list of post_ids to 
act as a LIMIT.

SELECT g.poster_id, g.poster_name, p.file_name, 
     p.file_size, p.post_subject 
      DATE_FORMAT(p.post_date,'%b-%d-%y') AS date, p.file_extension 
    FROM posts p, posters g
     WHERE p.post_id IN ($post_ids_in) AND p.poster_id = g.poster_id
      ORDER BY g.poster_name, p.post_subject

Shouldn't MySQL be as fast or faster to do this join in the 1 query than the 2 queries 

Does the MySQL optimizer not recognize that only the few rows specified by the LIMIT 
actually need to be retrieved ?

If so is there a way to help MySQL optimize the join ?

Displaying a page full portion at a time of a long list of results is a very common 
web thing for MySQL to do so hopefully I'm just doing something wrong.


- Sam.

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