I think it is time for you to learn about regular expressions; page 520 ff
of Dubois.
(sql, mysql, database - to get past the filter)
At 01:14 AM 7/26/01 +0100, you wrote:
 >Hi all,
 >I have a problem, I have some VARCHAR data in a column called Sequence
 >looking like this:-
 >So there could be anything from 2 to n numbers seperated by ;
 >Each number could be 1 to 3 digits long (eg 5 12 or 121).
 >I have tried various searches like the following but none of them seem
 >fool proof, i.e. they miss data:-
 ># This is for the maximum of 3 sequences searching by the 1st icon
 >SELECT Sequence, Message, id FROM $sqlTable WHERE Sequence LIKE
 >'$filterValue;%_%_' ORDER BY Message";
 ># This is for the maximum of 3 sequences searching by the 2nd icon
 >SELECT Sequence, Message, id FROM $sqlTable WHERE Sequence LIKE
 >'_;$filterValue' OR Sequence LIKE '__;$filterValue' OR Sequence LIKE
 >'%;$filterValue;%' ORDER BY Message";
 ># This is for the maximum of 3 sequences searching by the 3rd icon
 >SELECT Sequence, Message, id FROM $sqlTable WHERE Sequence LIKE
 >'%;%;$filterValue' ORDER BY Message";
 >'Sequence' is where the numbers to search on are stored.
 >$sqlTable is a variable containing the name of the table.
 >$filterValue is a variable containing the search number.
 >So what rules can I create to work for all examples, though the above
 >examples are for only 3 sequences of ; seperated numbers, there could be
 >upto 6 (though I would prefer a rule to cope with n amount).
 >I am using perl so the OR LIKE part could be created PRE SELECT and then
 >added onto the SELECT statement.
 >This one is hurting my head.:-)

tom marlin
fax / voice mail: 714 507 3802 ext 4881
My mind wanders a lot; sometimes it leaves completely.

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