Found a bug in 3.23.40 with GRANT:


grant file on db.* to peeps@"%" identified by "password";

emits no error message, however when one does a select for that user
from the user table, one
will find that the user "peeps" which was dutifully created has NOT been
given File_priv - in fact,
they have no privileges at all.  The same will be found for that user in
the db table - no reflection
of file_priv access (I think that's because there is no such thing in
the db table, iirc).

Anyways.  I'm just happy to have found a real-live bug in the most
recent release.  Of course, it's
probably already been reported.

Oh, and another thing:  When doing the statement above, the variation:

grant file on db.tablename to peeps@"%" identified by "password";

emits an odd error telling me to check the syntax for the grant
statement in the documentation.   I did,
and found no reference to the FILE grant not being able to be applied to
only a single table in a single
DB.  Yes, I know that functionality can be applied for replication via
statements in my.cnf, but I'm talking
about the operation of the GRANT statement here.  Oh well.

As a side note...I've found that books written on MySQL are HORRIBLE at
describing the exact GRANT statement syntax in all its permutations.
For an infuriating instance,
see "MySQL" by Paul DuBois (New Riders) - an otherwise very nice book, a
few parts kind of outdated
already due to the speed of MySQL development - in all of its examples
of GRANT statements, for the "TO"
section of the statement, it never indicates at any time that for a %
hostname one *must* put the % in ""'s. I
think I lost a month off my life from the frustration of that little
tidbit.   Thankfully, the online docs were
accurate.  Oh well.  As mysql progresses, I can see the need for a more
thorough collection of paper
manuals covering mysql minutia - something like the immense collection
of Oracle books, for instance.  Oh,
I'm sorry, did I scare you all there? :)


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