Earlier I told you all about the mysqld problem I had with my dual-athlon server.

Well, more hunting and I find this:

  6:26pm  up  4:55,  1 user,  load average: 3.05, 28.62, 26.85                  
106 processes: 103 sleeping, 3 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped                     
CPU0 states: 28.4% user,  4.3% system,  0.0% nice, 66.2% idle                   
CPU1 states: 79.3% user,  1.3% system,  0.0% nice, 18.2% idle                   
Mem:  1026964K av,  699636K used,  327328K free,      56K shrd,   67576K buff   
Swap: 2048248K av,   17980K used, 2030268K free                  463444K cached 
24424 mysql     18   0  6116 6116  2196 R    99.9  0.5   4:05 mysqld            
19915 apache     8   0  7316 6280  3976 S     0.5  0.6   0:02 httpd             
25881 root      11   0  1124 1124   840 R     0.5  0.1   0:00 top               
  888 apache     9   0  6476 5028  2812 S     0.3  0.4   0:36 httpd             
20001 apache     9   0  7460 6424  3972 S     0.3  0.6   0:03 httpd             
20276 apache     9   0  7264 6232  3976 S     0.3  0.6   0:02 httpd             
24316 apache     8   0  5500 4460  3860 S     0.3  0.4   0:00 httpd             
24371 apache     8   0  6072 5032  3900 S     0.3  0.4   0:00 httpd             
24441 apache     9   0  5440 4400  3844 S     0.3  0.4   0:00 httpd             
24458 apache     8   0  5868 4828  3852 S     0.3  0.4   0:00 httpd             
24490 apache     8   0  5496 4456  3852 S     0.3  0.4   0:00 httpd             
24459 apache     8   0  5520 4456  3856 S     0.1  0.4   0:00 httpd             
24484 apache     8   0  5784 4672  3832 S     0.1  0.4   0:00 httpd             
24502 apache     8   0  5496 4432  3860 S     0.1  0.4   0:00 httpd      

This is after a mysqld restart -- It restarted, but didn't work because this single 
mysqld process wouldn't die.  I even tried to kill it "kill 24424" and it still 
wouldn't go away -- not letting me restart mysqld.

What is going on here?

Ryan Shrout
Owner - Amdmb.com

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