It seems certainly possible to automate 2 mysql servers
in circular replication, each being master/slave to the
other, provided your code is written in such a way to
circumvent the auto_increment issue. Generating unique ids
on a machine basis and using those values instead of an
autoincrement would do it.

If this notion seems flawed, I sure wish someone would clue me in,
because Im sorta banking on it. :)

 Mike Robinson
 Toronto Star TV

Werner Stuerenburg writes:


>No: as far as I understand your question, you want to synchronize
>data between your local machine and the webserver in a two way
>process. This is something I do regularly for some reason, i.e.
>users insert/delete/update the web database, I
>insert/delete/update some data locally for testing and later
>addition to the web. I don't see any way to automate such a two
>way communication, and it is certainly not possible with the
>replication mechanisms at hand.

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