I noticed that most if not all the mysql_fetch_object, and mysql_fetch_array 
and mysql_fetch_row all have print in the while brackets... 

what I want to do is to assign the result to a $variable first WITHOUT 
printing the result, and reassigning the $variable into a second query, 
before printing... how should this be done the right way, because I've been 
getting parse errors.

Here's what I want to do:
$FirstQuery = select * from table where field = condition

then with PHP
$variable = while ( )
{ statement about the first query becomes a long string 

After this, I want to go back to MySQL
$SecondQuery = select * from table where field = $variable

How can I do this without nesting, but assigning a $variable  instead to 
place in the second query?

What's an alternative solution to this?

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