
I have one p3-800, 2 uwscsi hd , debian, apache 1.3.20, php4.0.5 and mysql 3.23.38

I have one web aplication with about 10.000 visits per day and about 8.000.000 pages 
visited per month.
Only one database with about 15 tables, the main with about only 20.000 records.

The problem is that the performance is horrible. I restart the mysqld and in a few 
minutes its at the top of "top" with about 10MB and 10% of cpu. When you use the 
application from a browser it is slow, very slow.
It gets a lot to connect to the server, even if I am on the server and run "mysql" I 
have to wait a few seconds to connet, but the if I run a query like
it gets about 4 or 5 second at least. 
I have indexes. That main table have 27 indexes to supply all possible searches.
Some searches are made on text fileds, something like "WHERE field like '%key%'  being 
field  text field.

I have updated mysql and apache, checked, repaired, optimized tables. I run fschk on 
all the partitions.

What can I do? I need to reduce that times...


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