SEND-PR: -*- send-pr -*-
SEND-PR: Lines starting with `SEND-PR' will be removed automatically, as
SEND-PR: will all comments (text enclosed in `<' and `>').
Subject: uninitialized data

        uninitialized data in "insert" and "load data infile"
        numeric columns are initialized to 0 (zero)
        string-type columns ignore their default
        See files later

>Submitter-Id:  Josef Kretz
 <organization of PR author (multiple lines)>
>MySQL support: none
>Synopsis:      <synopsis of the problem (one line)>
>Severity:      <[ non-critical | serious | critical ] (one line)>
>Priority:      <[ low | medium | high ] (one line)>
>Category:      mysql
>Class:         <[ sw-bug | doc-bug | change-request | support ] (one line)>
>Release:       mysql-3.23.41 (Source distribution)
>Server: /usr/local/MySQL/bin/mysqladmin  Ver 8.21 Distrib 3.23.41, for sun-solaris2.8 
>on sparc
Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL license

Server version          3.23.41
Protocol version        10
Connection              Localhost via UNIX socket
UNIX socket             /var/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock
Uptime:                 2 hours 18 min 20 sec

Threads: 14  Questions: 197899  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 16  Flush
tables: 1  Open tables: 16 Queries per second avg: 23.843
        <machine, os, target, libraries (multiple lines)>
System: SunOS sepp 5.8 Generic_108528-01 sun4u sparc
Architecture: sun4

Some paths:  /usr/local/bin/perl /usr/ccs/bin/make /usr/local/bin/gmake
/usr/local/bin/gcc /opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc
GCC: Reading specs from
Configured with: /u/kretz/gnu/gcc-3.0/configure --enable-shared
--disable-static --without-fast-fixincludes --with-as=/usr/local/bin/as
Thread model: posix
gcc version 3.0
Compilation info: CC='gcc'  CFLAGS='-O6'  CXX='gcc'  CXXFLAGS='-O6
-felide-constructors -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti'  LDFLAGS='-s
-L/usr/local/MySQL/lib -L/usr/local/lib
-rw-r--r--   1 root     bin      1748448 Mar 10  2000 /lib/libc.a
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          11 Nov  2  2000 /lib/ ->
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin      1126652 Mar 10  2000 /lib/
-rw-r--r--   1 root     bin      1748448 Mar 10  2000 /usr/lib/libc.a
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root          11 Nov  2  2000 /usr/lib/
-> ./
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root     bin      1126652 Mar 10  2000 /usr/lib/
Configure command: ./configure  --prefix=/usr/local/MySQL
--enable-shared --disable-static --with-tcp-port=57643
--with-unix-socket-path=/var/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock --without-debug
--without-low-memory --without-raid --with-pthread --without-mit-threads
--without-comment --localstatedir=/u/MySQL_data --without-bench --with-x
--disable-large-files --with-mysqld-user=kretz

Dear Sirs,

I am running into some difficulties with uninitialized data:

appearently when load data infile contains a sequence like
<tab><tab> - which should leave a column uninitialized -
I get
 - 0 (zero)      into an integer column
 - 0.00 (zero)   into a double column
 - NULL          into a char/varchar column with default null,
                 which is all right
 - NULL          into a char/varchar column with default not null,
                 which is not OK.

when typing
insert into T35 values ( , , )     results in syntax error
insert into T35 values ( , NULL , ) 
if the inserted to column is integer or double, it is initialized to
if it is a char/varchar column, ut is leaved uninitialized,
regardless of its default value.

I am currently running mysql-3.23.41 under SUN Sparc Solaris 8,
compiled from source using GNU gcc-3.0, and with the following
configure script:

<start of configure script>

setenv CC gcc
setenv CXX gcc
setenv CPP "gcc -E"

setenv CFLAGS "-O6"
setenv CXXFLAGS "-O6 -felide-constructors -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti"
setenv CXXLDFLAGS -lstdc++

setenv LDFLAGS "-s -L/usr/local/MySQL/lib -L/usr/local/lib

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/MySQL --enable-shared --disable-static \
--with-tcp-port=57643 --with-unix-socket-path=/var/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock
--without-debug --without-low-memory --without-raid \
--with-pthread --without-mit-threads --without-comment \
--localstatedir=/u/MySQL_data --without-bench \
--with-x --disable-large-files \
<end of configure script>

The attached files are
t35 ... sql statements to create table T35
a   ... sql statements that perform mainly correct, but ARTNR remains
NULL (uninitialized)
a1  ... sql statements that - I think - should work
q   ... for load data infile '...' into table T35

load data in file 'q' into table T35
The 1. record has ARTNR initialized to '', although its default is '',
it is set to NULL. The other uninitialied columns are NULL for strings
and zero (initialized !) for numbers.

drop TABLE if exists T35 ;

  MAND2 varchar(4) default '' ,
  ARTNR varchar(30) default '' ,
  ARTVAR varchar(4) default '' ,
  MAND varchar(4) default '' ,
  STLNR varchar(30) default '' ,
  STLVAR varchar(4) default '' ,
  POSNR varchar(4) default '' ,
  SUBPOSNR varchar(4) default '' ,
  GUELTIGAB varchar(8) default '' ,
  AENDNR varchar(4) default '' ,
  GUELTIGBIS int(11),
  AUSLAUFKZ smallint(6),
  DPA char(1),
  ARTBEZ1 varchar(40),
  ARTBEZ2 varchar(40),
  ZNR varchar(20),
  KLASSE varchar(10),
  ROHMENGE double(11,2),
  ROHMEH char(3),
  ROHFUM double(7,3),
  ROHFUMA double(7,3),
  MENGE double(11,2),
  MEH char(3),
  FUM double(7,3),
  FUMA double(7,3),
  SET_MUTATION smallint(1),
  SET_DRUCK smallint(1),
  VORLAUFZ double(7,2),
  VORLAUFZTW smallint(1),
  LMM int(11),
  BMM int(11),
  HMM int(11),
  OBERFL double(11,2),
  OBERFLMEH char(3),
  STUECK double(9,2),
  GEWEIGENFERT double(11,2),
  GEWZUKTEILE double(11,2),
  GEWMEH char(3),
  ZUSCHNITTKZ char(1),
  TEILLIEFKZ smallint(1),
  STLKZ1 char(1),
  STLKZ2 char(1),
  STLKZ3 char(1),
  STLKZ4 char(1),
  STLKZ5 char(1),
  STLKZ6 char(1),
  ARTAENDNR varchar(4),
  WST varchar(20),
  FUNKGRP varchar(12),
  HBKS char(3),
  FRSTLA5 varchar(10),
  FRSTLA8 varchar(10),
  STLTYP smallint(1),
  AHBEISTELLKZ smallint(1),
  SBZ varchar(4),
  SBE varchar(4),
  SBAE varchar(4),
  EDT int(11),
  AEDT int(11)

load data infile 'q' into table T35;

insert into T35 values

insert into T35 values

1000            0000    1000    AZ041349        0000    0000    0000   
00000000                                                AZ041349
AZ04                                    1.000000        ST     
1.000000        1.000000        1       1               12364.850000    
M2      21468.170000    440732.420000   110856.740000   KG             
1                                       L1               lf     
lf              20010120
1000    HUGO9876        0000    1000    AZ041349        0000    0101   
0000    00000000                                        AZ041349
AZ04                                    1.000000        ST     
1.000000        1.000000        1       1               12364.850000    
M2      21468.170000    440732.420000   110856.740000   KG             
1                                       L1               lf     
lf              20010120

Best regards from Austria
Josef Kretz
sepp 20%

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