
Could some one tell me how to find out what is wrong with the MySQL as it 
stops working after a minute or two on a machine running Win98SE. the Mysql 
is installed by the Merlin Server installer of Abriasofts. I include the 
report if it tells anyone anything, to me it is bit gibberish.

This Report was made using the WinMySQLadmin 1.0 Tool

4.9.2001 14:27:45

Description        :
How-To-Repeat      :
Fix                :
Synopsis           :
Submitter-Id       :
Originator         :
Organization       :
MySQL support      : [none | licence | email support | extended email support ]
Severity           : [non-critical | serious | critical ]
Priority           : [low | medium | high ]
Category           : [mysqld, mysql client, C, PHP, PERL,  ...]
Class              : [ sw-bug | doc-bug | change-request | support ]
OS Platform        : Win 95 or Win 98 detected
Machine description:
Compiler           : VC++ 6.0
Architecture       : i686
Total Memory       : 130,564 MB RAM

My.ini File


Server Status Values

Server Info                        3.23.36
Host Info                          localhost via TCP/IP
Client Info                        3.23.33
Proto Info                         10
Aborted_clients                    1
Aborted_connects                   0
Bytes_received                     0
Bytes_sent                         0
Connections                        5
Created_tmp_disk_tables            0
Created_tmp_tables                 0
Created_tmp_files                  0
Delayed_insert_threads             0
Delayed_writes                     0
Delayed_errors                     0
Flush_commands                     1
Handler_delete                     0
Handler_read_first                 1
Handler_read_key                   0
Handler_read_next                  0
Handler_read_prev                  0
Handler_read_rnd                   0
Handler_read_rnd_next              9
Handler_update                     0
Handler_write                      0
Key_blocks_used                    0
Key_read_requests                  0
Key_reads                          0
Key_write_requests                 0
Key_writes                         0
Max_used_connections               2
Not_flushed_key_blocks             0
Not_flushed_delayed_rows           0
Open_tables                        3
Open_files                         6
Open_streams                       0
Opened_tables                      8
Questions                          71
Select_full_join                   0
Select_full_range_join             0
Select_range                       0
Select_range_check                 0
Select_scan                        0
Slave_running                      OFF
Slave_open_temp_tables             0
Slow_launch_threads                0
Slow_queries                       0
Sort_merge_passes                  0
Sort_range                         0
Sort_rows                          0
Sort_scan                          0
Table_locks_immediate              5
Table_locks_waited                 0
Threads_cached                     0
Threads_created                    4
Threads_connected                  3
Threads_running                    1
Uptime                             256

Variables Values

ansi_mode                          OFF
back_log                           50
basedir                            c:\ohjelmatiedostot\abria merlin\mysql\
binlog_cache_size                  32768
character_set                      latin1
character_sets                     latin1 big5 czech euc_kr gb2312 gbk sjis 
tis620 ujis dec8 dos german1 hp8 koi8_ru latin2 swe7 usa7 cp1251 danish 
hebrew win1251 estonia hungarian koi8_ukr win1251ukr greek win1250 croat cp1257
concurrent_insert                  ON
connect_timeout                    5
datadir                            c:\ohjelmatiedostot\abria merlin\mysql\data\
delay_key_write                    ON
delayed_insert_limit               100
delayed_insert_timeout             300
delayed_queue_size                 1000
flush                              OFF
flush_time                         1800
have_bdb                           NO
have_gemini                        NO
have_innobase                      NO
have_isam                          YES
have_raid                          NO
have_ssl                           NO
interactive_timeout                28800
join_buffer_size                   131072
key_buffer_size                    8388600
language                           c:\ohjelmatiedostot\abria 
large_files_support                ON
log                                OFF
log_update                         OFF
log_bin                            OFF
log_slave_updates                  OFF
long_query_time                    10
low_priority_updates               OFF
lower_case_table_names             1
max_allowed_packet                 1048576
max_binlog_cache_size              4294967295
max_binlog_size                    1073741824
max_connections                    100
max_connect_errors                 10
max_delayed_threads                20
max_heap_table_size                16777216
max_join_size                      4294967295
max_sort_length                    1024
max_user_connections               0
max_tmp_tables                     32
max_write_lock_count               4294967295
myisam_recover_options             OFF
myisam_sort_buffer_size            8388608
net_buffer_length                  16384
net_read_timeout                   30
net_retry_count                    10
net_write_timeout                  60
open_files_limit                   0
pid_file                           c:\ohjelmatiedostot\abria 
port                               3306
protocol_version                   10
record_buffer                      131072
query_buffer_size                  0
safe_show_database                 OFF
server_id                          0
skip_locking                       ON
skip_networking                    OFF
skip_show_database                 OFF
slow_launch_time                   2
socket                             MySQL
sort_buffer                        2097144
table_cache                        64
table_type                         MYISAM
thread_cache_size                  0
thread_stack                       65536
transaction_isolation              READ-COMMITTED
timezone                           Suomen kesäaika
tmp_table_size                     1048576
tmpdir                             c:\windows\temp\
version                            3.23.36
wait_timeout                       28800

Last Lines from Err File

010904 14:25:14  Aborted connection 1 to db: 'Project' user: 'root' host: 
`localhost' (Unknown error)
C:\Ohjelmatiedostot\Abria Merlin\MySQL\bin\mysqld-opt.exe: ready for 

010904 14:20:21  C:\Ohjelmatiedostot\Abria Merlin\MySQL\bin\mysqld-opt.exe: 
Shutdown Complete
010904 14:20:21  Aborted connection 2 to db: 'unconnected' user: 'root' 
host: `localhost' (Unknown error)
010904 14:20:21  Aborted connection 6 to db: 'Project' user: 'root' host: 
`localhost' (Unknown error)
010904 14:20:21  Aborted connection 4 to db: 'Project' user: 'root' host: 
`localhost' (Unknown error)
010904 14:20:21  Aborted connection 8 to db: 'Project' user: 'root' host: 
`localhost' (Unknown error)
010904 14:20:21  Aborted connection 1 to db: 'Project' user: 'root' host: 
`localhost' (Unknown error)
010904 14:20:21  Aborted connection 3 to db: 'Project' user: 'root' host: 
`localhost' (Unknown error)
14:20:21  Aborted connection 5 to db: 'Project' user: 'root' host: 
`localhost' (Unknown error)

Jari Mäkelä

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