Can someone give me a quick *complete* example code of setting up a
connection, performing a small query, and reading back the result?
The docs conflict in a few places as far as how to declare the data types.
(in some places, they are pointers, in others they are not). Also, the
examples, sadly, just aren't very good. And there is no example for
mysql_use_result(). (the example code uses mysql_store_result())
I have tried every combination of pointers and regular datatypes I can think
of, but I'm still generating errors on compile.
Running on linux (RH 7.1), with MySQL 3.23.39.
I'm using this:
MYSQL mysql;
MYSQL_RES *result;
int error;
printf("init failed!\n");
if(!mysql_real_connect(&mysql, "localhost",
"user", "passwd", "dbname", 0, "", 0))
printf("doh! connect failed...\n");
error = mysql_select_db(&mysql, "label");
error = mysql_query(&mysql, "SELECT * FROM _countries");
result = mysql_use_result(&mysql);
while((row = mysql_fetch_row(result)))
mysql_init() is returning fine...
The connection is failing. I know the username/password combo works, since
I can use it on the command line. The client program is being run on the
same linux machine as the mysql server.
Any other ideas?
Does mysqld have a debug mode? Some way I can see if the client is even
trying to connect, and what data the server is getting?
Also, are the datatypes declared correctly for the rest of the code? The
docs conflict as to whether or not result should be declared as a pointer or
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