Robert Alexander wrote:

>  - Replies are directed to the POSTER and not to the list. This keeps traffic
>    and clutter down.
>  - Those who don't post a SUMMARY are likely to find future questions
>    going unanswered.

So answers to questions go directly to the poster and are not cc'd to the list? I
suppose it's more efficient because each discussion thread has only a question and
it's summary both posted by the same author. But won't this make the list a bit
sterile? Other authors wont be able to participate in a discussion and there wont
be the public aggregation of viewpoints  - just a reliance on the original poster
(many of whom are newbies) to consolidate all replies they receive and post a
coherent summary based on individual emails. I took a look at the SunManager's
archive and it seems that many of the questions don't have summary posts. I'm not a
subscriber though, so perhaps I missed something. I also find it useful sometimes
when browsing the archives to look at all posts in each thread because sometimes
they provide insights into related issues.

I think summary posts are definitelly a must, but users should be required to cc
the list when replying to posts. Also descriptive tags are really useful in the
subject. For example the mod_perl (perl under Apache - list
uses the following:

5.2.8.  It can be helpful if you use a tag [in square brackets] in the
"Subject:" line, as well as the brief description of your post.  It
does not matter whether you use [UPPER CASE] or [lower case] or even a
[Mixture Of Both] in the tag.

Some suggested tags are:

  ADMIN  Stuff about running the List.

  ADVOCACY Promoting the use of mod_perl, printing T-shirts, stuff like
  that.  Please don't start another discussion about whether we
  should put this on a different list, we've been there before.

  ANNOUNCE Announcements of new software tools, packages and updates.

  ASP  Joshua Chamas' implementation of Perl embedded in HTML.

  BENCHMARK Apache/mod_perl performance issues.

  BUG  Report of possible fault in mod_perl or associated software
  - it's better if you can send a patch instead!

  DBI  Stuff generally concerning Apache/mod_perl interaction
  with databases.

  FYI  For information only.

  JOB  Any post about mod_perl jobs is welcome as long as it is
  brief and to the point.  Note: Not "JOBS".

  MASON  Jonathan Swartz' implementation of Perl embedded in HTML.

  NEWS  Items of news likely to be interesting to mod_perlers.

  OffTopic Or [OT] Off-topic items, please try to keep traffic low.

  PATCH  Suggested fix for fault in mod_perl or associated software.

  QUESTION Questions about mod_perl which is not covered by one of the
  more specific headings.

  RareModules Occasional reminders about little-used modules on CPAN.

  RFC  Requests for comment from the mod_perl community.

  SITE  Stuff about running the Apache/mod_perl servers.

  SUMMARY After investigation and perhaps fixing a fault, and after an
  extended discussion of a specific topic, it is helpful if
  someone summarizes the thread.  Don't be shy, everyone will
  appreciate the effort.

If you can't find a tag which fits your subject, don't worry.  If you
have a very specific subject to discuss, feel free to choose your own
tag, for example [mod_proxy] or [Perl Sections] but remember that the
main reasons for the "Subject:" line are to save people time and to
improve the response to your posts.

Before posting, please check:   (the manual)           (the list archive)

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