On Wednesday 31 October 2001 21:42, Gary Huntress wrote:
> I'm up to over 10000 databases in one data directory and that is
> becoming a performance problem as users make their connections.  I would
> like to begin running multiple servers on the same box.    I made my
> first attempt tonight and was confused.   Before I screw up a production
> box perhaps someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong.

Wow.  That's a lot!

> I always start my server with this script:
> safe_mysqld --log  --datadir=/mnt/db -O wait_timeout=1000 -O
> max_connections=1000 &

We make totally separate directories:


Within each tree, we have everything MySQL needs except the


/database/instance1/etc         config including my.cnf
/database/instance1/run         pid file, Unix socket
/database/instance1/log         log files
/database/instance1/bin         tuned scripts to run _this_ instance only
/database/instance1/var         database table directories for this instance
/database/instance1/tmp         temp dir for this instance.

We leave the mysqld etc. binaries wherever they normally live.

We start the whole thing with a slightly hacked version of safe_mysqld

safe_mysqld --defaults-file=/database/instance1/etc/my.cnf

That my.cnf file defines the port, socket, log files, data directory, temp directory

The scripts in .../instance1/bin are very important for what we do.  They have
hardcoded data in them to make them only work on that instance of the
database.  Thus, we can start and stop and instance by going into the 
instance-specific bin directory and running a script:
        db_ctrl stop

We do _not_ have to pass the instance path.  The reason for this is that it helps
prevent a whole class of errors that the system admins might make accidentally
by typing the wrong instance.  They need to actually type the full path to the
instance bin dir.  That has helped reduce errors a lot.

> I still have an old data directory in /usr/local/mysql/var  so I thought
> I could just change the pid, socket, and data directory via:
> safe_mysqld   --pid-file=/usr/local/mysql/var/kettlebrook.pid
> --socket=/tmp/ mysql3307.sock --port=3307 --datadir=/usr/local/mysql/var
> -O
> wait_timeout=1000 -O max_connections=1000 &
> to run it on port 3307.

But, your Unix socket is in /tmp without any differentiation from the other

> The primary server starts fine.   When I run the second one, I have
> gotten address already in use errors ("is there already a server
> running?" or something to that effect)  I thought I had successfully
> created a second *independent* server that nobody else should be using
> so I did:

The address in use might be from the other socket, not the IP address.

I would run mysqld directly on the command line and see what errors it tells you.
I've had better luck debugging my my.cnf files that way than trying to use

> mysql -pmypassword -P3307

This will connect to the Unix port on localhost.  If you want to connect to 
the IP side, you'll have to specify a host that is not localhost (the default

> connected ok , and did a processlist.  It showed numerous web
> connections, and it apppeared that I was connected to my production
> server on 3306 rather than 3307.

Use "SHOW VARIABLES" to make sure that the data dir is where you think
it is supposed to be.

> Then, I issued "mysqladmin -pmypassword -P3307 shutdown" hoping to shut
> down the second test server.  It shut down the main server on 3306, as
> evidenced by my webserver indicating connection problems.  I was able to
> repeat this several times.

Note above.  You are not connecting to the port that you think you are.
If you do not pass a hostname other than localhost, you'll connect 
through the Unix socket.

> My question is basically this....did I somehow (probably in my first
> lame attempts) get some of my socket files mixed up and/or pid files and
> they were simply out of sync with the proper server?    2)  Should I be
> able to properly control two servers using the two safe_mysqld command
> lines above?

We do it all the time.  Just make sure that your sockets are differentiated and
that you are using a FQDN if you are trying to connect via IP instead of
a Unix socket.


bot fodder: sql, mysql, query

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