So far, one developer of MySQL has emailed me and said he would help.

I propose we wait to see how many developers are interested, then take a
vote how to structure.  If we don't get enough interested developers, then
I guess that means the proposal dies.

I am not interested in being in control.  I would just want to be a

Thinking of a possible name, I start by suggesting "Web Site SQL", which I
think is direct to MySQL's original focus and broad base.  Thus I have
registered the wssql.* domains, and will donate them to the project if it

Once again, the exact manifesto of this proposed fork could be determined
by vote, but my suggestion for the necessity of a new fork is to provide a
focus on refining the stable 3.23, rather than trying to compete with
Oracle (which appears to be where MySQL is headed with 4.0).

If any one else has little things they would like to see improved faster in
3.23 without the need for the complexity of making huge structural changes
stable, and if robustness and refinement are your credo over trying to add
every database feature for big commercial sites.  Then I think that is more
or less what I am proposing.  "A MySQL for simple to medium web sites".
Focus could be placed on making the refinements in both code and the
interface with users, so that a larger sphere of beginners could be
successful.  For example, a much improved manual could be created which is
more for novice users than technophytes.

Again let me emphasize that this would provide a larger base for MySQL and
funnel the higher end users to MySQL in their growth path.  Even a seasoned
developer, might use wsSQL for simple projects and MySQL for advanced ones.

As always, the idea is to use the best tool for the job, and to have a tool
which is focused on the needs of your job.

Shelby Moore
CEO, Inc.
CEO (3Dize, Inc.)
programmer of Cool Page, Art-o-matic, WordUp, TurboJet
key contributor on DownloadFAST, FONTZ!, PhotoModeler, Painter, Dabbler, etc..

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