
MySQL 4.0.1 is now released.

I would like to start by saying that the MySQL 4.0.0-alpha release has
worked very well and we haven't (yet) found any really fatal bugs in
it.  Our intention is to continue with development on the 4.0 series
for a couple of more weeks and then shift to work on 4.1 to let the
4.0 code quickly stabilize.

4.0.1 includes some major new features compared to 4.0.0:

- A Query cache to cache results for SELECT statements. This should
  give a major speed improvement for queries on read-intensive tables.
  More information can be found at:

- Better and faster fulltext search.

- Extended UNION to handle braces

Here follows the ChangeLog for 4.0.1

   * Fixed bug when `HANDLER' was used with some unsupported table type.
   * `mysqldump' now puts `ALTER TABLE table_name DISABLE KEYS' and
     `ALTER TABLE table_name DISABLE KEYS' in the sql dump.
   * Added `mysql_fix_extensions' script
   * Fixed stack overrun problem `LOAD DATA FROM MASTER' on OSF1.
   * Fixed shutdown problem on HPUX.
   * Added functions `des_encrypt()' and `des_decrypt()'.
   * Added statement FLUSH DES_KEY_FILE.
   * Added mysqld option `--des-key-file'.
   * `HEX(string)' now returns the characters in string converted to
   * Fixed problem with `GRANT' when using `lower_case_table_names ==
     MODE' (as in MySQL 3.23).
   * A new query cache to cache results from identical `SELECT' queries.
   * Fixed core dump bug on 64 bit machines when it got a wrong
     communication packet.
   * `MATCH ... AGAINST(... IN BOOLEAN MODE)' can now work without
     `FULLTEXT' index.
   * Fixed slave to replicate from 3.23 master.
   * Miscellaneous replication fixes/cleanup.
   * Got shutdown to work on Mac OS X.
   * Added `myisam/ft_dump' utility for low-level inspection of
     `FULLTEXT' indexes.
   * Fixed bug in `DELETE ... WHERE ... MATCH ...'.
   * Added support for `MATCH ... AGAINST(... IN BOOLEAN MODE)'.
     *Note: you have to rebuild your tables with `ALTER TABLE tablename
     TYPE=MyISAM' to be able to use boolean fulltext search*.
   * `LOCATE()' and `INSTR()' are case sensitive if neither argument is
     a binary string.
   * Changed `RND()' initialization so that `RND(N)' and `RND(N+1)' are
     more distinct.
   * Fixed core dump bug in `UPDATE ... ORDER BY'.
   * Changed `INSERT INTO .. SELECT' to stop on errors by default.
   * Ignore `DATA DIRECTORY' and `INDEX DIRECTORY' directives on
   * Added boolean fulltext search code. It should be considered early

   * Extended `MODIFY' and `CHANGE' in `ALTER TABLE' to accept the
     `AFTER' keyword.
   * Index are now used with `ORDER' BY on a whole InnoDB table.

All bugs and features that has been done up to 3.23.46 + some from the
upcoming 3.23.47 are also done in the 4.0.1 release.

Some of the Bug fixes from the 3.23 series, that has found it's way to

   * InnoDB now supports `NULL' in keys.
   * Fixed shutdown problem on HPUX. (Introduced in 3.23.46)
   * Added 'DO expression' command.
   * Fixed core-dump bug in replication when using SELECT
   * Added new statement DO expression,[expression].
   * Added `slave-skip-errors' option
   * Added statistics variables for all MySQL commands. (`SHOW STATUS'
     is now much longer).
   * Fixed default values for InnoDB tables.
   * Fixed that `GROUP BY expr DESC' works.
   * Fixed bug when using `t1 LEFT JOIN t2 ON t2.key=constant'.
   * `mysql_config' now also work with binary (relocated) distributions.

   * Fixed problem with aliased temporary tables replication
   * InnoDB and BDB tables will now use index when doing an `ORDER BY'
     on the whole table.
   * Fixed bug where one got an empty set instead of a DEADLOCK error
     when using BDB tables.
   * One can now kill `ANALYZE',`REPAIR' and `OPTIMIZE TABLE' when the
     thread is waiting to get a lock on the table.
   * Fixed race condition in `ANALYZE TABLE'.
   * Fixed bug when joining with caching (unlikely to happen).
   * Fixed race condition when using the binary log and `INSERT DELAYED'
     which could cause the binary log to have rows that was not yet
     written to MyISAM tables.
   * Changed caching of binary log to make replication slightly faster.
   * Fixed bug in replication on Mac OS X.

Last I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a bug free
new year!


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   __  ___     ___ ____  __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /    Mr. Michael Widenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   MySQL AB, CTO
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   Helsinki, Finland
       <___/   www.mysql.com

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