
I have tried it and it works and there is no problem in executing any sql queries in 
the child. my application also is
working fine. But the issue I am facing is the value of the four variables in the 
MYSQL structure, which
I presume gets set only when doing mysql_real_connect(). I am worried that I could 
cause mysqld to crash because this is not the way to connect to mysqld. These four 
variables are not available to the child (I am thinking
of setting these four variables as env variables in the parent so that the child can 
pick it up and set it forcibly). In
fact the function mysqlreconnect() in try1.c is a hacked version of 
mysql_real_connect() from libmysql.c minus the
socket() and connect() system calls.

The purpose behind my experimentations is to modify the inetd server, open the 
connection to mysqld in inetd and
the child of inetd should be able to reuse the socket connected to mysqld.


Any help in figuring out how the mysql structure, the NET structure and the VIO 
structure gets set or can be set without doing mysql_real_connect() would be helpful 
to me.

Regards Manvendra

On Mon, 11 Mar 2002 15:04:47 -0600
"Rick Emery" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> have you tried forking the process, then terminating the parent?  All open
> file desciptors, including sockets, would be available to the child.  The
> child would contain the code in try1.c.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Manvendra Bhangui [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 5:22 AM
> Subject: How to pass mysql connections across exec()
> Hi,
> I have a requirement where I should be able to open connection to mysql from
> a server
> which is running continuously and pass the connection to a child of this
> server after it
> does a exec to a totally different executable. This will enable me to reuse
> a mysql connection
> initiated by one process and used by another process - which though is a
> child of the
> first process but is a totally different executable. Thus, I will be able to
> initiate
> connection pooling for a daemon like smtp without keeping on initiating
> mysql_real_connect()
> on each and every mail.
> I have done this by doing mysql_init() and mysql_real_connect() in the
> parent.
> In the exec'ed process, I do mysql_init() followed my vio_new() and
> my_net_init().
> The above logic works for me, But i am not sure if I am doing the right
> thing. Also there is a difference
> in the some of the values of the mysql structure in parent and the child.
> Also enclosing two programs try.c and try1.c, which demonstrate the above.
> try does a mysql_real_connect()
> to open a mysql_connection with socket descriptor 3. The program try1 the
> uses this same descriptor to
> restablish the connection to the mysqld server without initiating a new
> socket connection.
> The output of the mysql structure by try is
> --------------------------------------------
> host                localhost
> user                vpopmail
> pass                ssh-1.5-
> sock                /tmp/mysql.sock
> vers                4.0.0-alpha-log
> Host Info           Localhost via UNIX socket
> info                (null)
> db                  vpopmail
> Affected Rows       0
> Insert id           0
> extra_info          0
> thread_id           103
> packet_length       0
> port                3306
> client_flag         8333
> server_capabilities 44
> Protocol version    10
> Field Count         0
> Server Status       2
> Server Language     8
> Mysql Status        0
> Free me             0
> Reconnect           1
> Scramble            0Q,$n~OR
> The output of the mysql structure by try1 is
> --------------------------------------------
> host                localhost
> user                vpopmail
> pass                ssh-1.5-
> sock                /tmp/mysql.sock
> vers                
> Host Info           Localhost via UNIX socket
> info                (null)
> db                  (null)
> Affected Rows       0
> Insert id           0
> extra_info          0
> thread_id           0
> packet_length       0
> port                3306
> client_flag         8333
> server_capabilities 0
> Protocol version    10
> Field Count         0
> Server Status       2
> Server Language     0
> Mysql Status        0
> Free me             0
> Reconnect           1
> Scramble       
> As you can see the following variables are not getting set in the exec'ed
> process.
> mysql.server_version
> mysql.thread_id
> mysql.server_language
> mysql.scramble_buff
> Is there anyting i am missing? (However, the program works fine and the
> query also works fine.
> The mysql show process list also shows that the connection is being reused.
> However I am not
> sure, if this method could cause any problems).
> The programs try.c and try1.c are below
> /* try.c */
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <fcntl.h>
> #include <mysql.h>
> main()
> {
>       MYSQL mysql;
>       mysql_init(&mysql);
>       if (!(mysql_real_connect(&mysql, "localhost", "vpopmail", "*******",
> "vpopmail", 3306, 0, 0)))
>       {
>               fprintf(stderr, "mysql_real_connect: %s\n",
> mysql_error(&mysql));
>               return(1);
>       } 
>       printf("host                %s\n", mysql.host);
>       printf("user                %s\n", mysql.user);
>       printf("pass                %s\n", mysql.passwd);
>       printf("sock                %s\n", mysql.unix_socket);
>       printf("vers                %s\n", mysql.server_version);
>       printf("Host Info           %s\n", mysql.host_info);
>       printf("info                %s\n", mysql.info);
>       printf("db                  %s\n", mysql.db);
>       printf("Affected Rows       %d\n", mysql.affected_rows);
>       printf("Insert id           %d\n", mysql.insert_id);
>       printf("extra_info          %d\n", mysql.extra_info);
>       printf("thread_id           %d\n", mysql.thread_id);
>       printf("packet_length       %d\n", mysql.packet_length);
>       printf("port                %d\n", mysql.port);
>       printf("client_flag         %d\n", mysql.client_flag);
>       printf("server_capabilities %d\n", mysql.server_capabilities);
>       printf("Protocol version    %d\n", mysql.protocol_version);
>       printf("Field Count         %d\n", mysql.field_count);
>       printf("Server Status       %d\n", mysql.server_status);
>       printf("Server Language     %d\n", mysql.server_language);
>       printf("Mysql Status        %d\n", mysql.status);
>       printf("Free me             %d\n", mysql.free_me);
>       printf("Reconnect           %d\n", mysql.reconnect);
>       printf("Scramble            %s\n", mysql.scramble_buff);
>       getchar();
>       execl("/tmp/try1", "/tmp/try1", 0);
> }
> /* try1.c */
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <string.h>
> #include <pwd.h>
> #include <my_global.h>
> #include <my_sys.h>
> #include <mysys_err.h>
> #include <m_string.h>
> #include <m_ctype.h>
> #include "mysql.h"
> #include "mysql_version.h"
> #include "mysqld_error.h"
> #include "errmsg.h"
> #include <violite.h>
> #include <sys/stat.h>
> #include <signal.h>
> #include <time.h>
> #include <sys/socket.h>
> #include <netinet/in.h>
> #include <arpa/inet.h>
> #include <netdb.h>
> #if defined(THREAD) && !defined(__WIN__)
> #include <my_pthread.h>                       /* because of signal()  */
> #endif
> static my_bool  mysql_client_init = 0;
> uint            mysql_port = 0;
> my_string       mysql_unix_port = 0;
> #include <errno.h>
> #define SOCKET_ERROR -1
> #if !defined(__WIN__) && defined(SIGPIPE) && !defined(THREAD)
> #define init_sigpipe_variables  sig_return old_signal_handler=(sig_return)
> 0;
> #define set_sigpipe(mysql)     if ((mysql)->client_flag &
> CLIENT_IGNORE_SIGPIPE) old_signal_handler=signal(SIGPIPE,pipe_sig_handler)
> #define reset_sigpipe(mysql) if ((mysql)->client_flag &
> CLIENT_IGNORE_SIGPIPE) signal(SIGPIPE,old_signal_handler);
> #else
> #define init_sigpipe_variables
> #define set_sigpipe(mysql)
> #define reset_sigpipe(mysql)
> #endif
> static void     mysql_read_default_options(struct st_mysql_options *, const
> char *, const char *);
> static void     end_server(MYSQL * mysql);
> static void     free_old_query(MYSQL *);
> MYSQL          *STDCALL mysqlreconnect(my_socket, MYSQL *, const char *,
> const char *, const char *, const char *, uint,
> const char *, uint);
> int             my_net_init(NET * net, Vio * vio);
> main()
> {
>       MYSQL           mysql;
>       MYSQL_RES      *res;
>       mysql_init(&mysql);
>       if (!(mysqlreconnect(3, &mysql, "localhost", "vpopmail", "********",
> "vpopmail", 3306, 0, 0)))
>       {
>               fprintf(stderr, "mysql_real_connect: %s\n",
> mysql_error(&mysql));
>               return (1);
>       }
>       printf("host                %s\n", mysql.host);
>       printf("user                %s\n", mysql.user);
>       printf("pass                %s\n", mysql.passwd);
>       printf("sock                %s\n", mysql.unix_socket);
>       printf("vers                %s\n", mysql.server_version);
>       printf("Host Info           %s\n", mysql.host_info);
>       printf("info                %s\n", mysql.info);
>       printf("db                  %s\n", mysql.db);
>       printf("Affected Rows       %d\n", mysql.affected_rows);
>       printf("Insert id           %d\n", mysql.insert_id);
>       printf("extra_info          %d\n", mysql.extra_info);
>       printf("thread_id           %d\n", mysql.thread_id);
>       printf("packet_length       %d\n", mysql.packet_length);
>       printf("port                %d\n", mysql.port);
>       printf("client_flag         %d\n", mysql.client_flag);
>       printf("server_capabilities %d\n", mysql.server_capabilities);
>       printf("Protocol version    %d\n", mysql.protocol_version);
>       printf("Field Count         %d\n", mysql.field_count);
>       printf("Server Status       %d\n", mysql.server_status);
>       printf("Server Language     %d\n", mysql.server_language);
>       printf("Mysql Status        %d\n", mysql.status);
>       printf("Free me             %d\n", mysql.free_me);
>       printf("Reconnect           %d\n", mysql.reconnect);
>       printf("Scramble            %s\n", mysql.scramble_buff);
>       if (mysql_query(&mysql, "select * from vpopmail where
> pw_name='mbhangui'"))
>       {
>               fprintf(stderr, "mysql_query: %s\n", mysql_error(&mysql));
>               return (1);
>       }
>       res = mysql_store_result(&mysql);
>       mysql_free_result(res);
>       getchar();
> }
> MYSQL          *STDCALL
> mysqlreconnect(my_socket sock, MYSQL * mysql, const char *host, const char
> *user, const char *passwd, const char *db, uint port,
>                          const char *unix_socket, uint client_flag)
> {
>       char            buff[NAME_LEN + USERNAME_LENGTH + 100],
> charset_name_buff[16];
>       char           *end, *host_info, *charset_name;
>       ulong           pkt_length;
>       NET            *net = &mysql->net;
>       init_sigpipe_variables DBUG_ENTER("mysql_real_connect");
>       DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("host: %s  db: %s  user: %s", host ? host :
> "(Null)", db ? db : "(Null)", user ? user : "(Null)"));
>       /*
>        * Don't give sigpipe errors if the client doesn't want them 
>        */
>       set_sigpipe(mysql);
>       net->vio = 0;                           /* If something goes wrong
> */
>       /*
>        * use default options 
>        */
>       if (mysql->options.my_cnf_file || mysql->options.my_cnf_group)
>       {
>               mysql_read_default_options(&mysql->options,
> (mysql->options.my_cnf_file ? mysql->options.my_cnf_file : "my"),
> mysql->options.my_cnf_group);
>               my_free(mysql->options.my_cnf_file, MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR));
>               my_free(mysql->options.my_cnf_group,
>               mysql->options.my_cnf_file = mysql->options.my_cnf_group =
> 0;
>       }
>       /*
>        * Some empty-string-tests are done because of ODBC 
>        */
>       if (!host || !host[0])
>               host = mysql->options.host;
>       if (!user || !user[0])
>               user = mysql->options.user;
>       if (!passwd)
>       {
>               passwd = mysql->options.password;
>               if (!passwd)
>                       passwd = getenv("MYSQL_PWD");   /* get it from
> environment (haneke) */
> #endif
>       }
>       if (!db || !db[0])
>               db = mysql->options.db;
>       if (!port)
>               port = mysql->options.port;
>       if (!unix_socket)
>               unix_socket = mysql->options.unix_socket;
>       mysql->reconnect = 1;           /* Reconnect as default */
>       mysql->server_status = SERVER_STATUS_AUTOCOMMIT;
> #if defined(HAVE_SYS_UN_H)
>       if ((!host || !strcmp(host, LOCAL_HOST)) && (unix_socket ||
> mysql_unix_port))
>       {
>               host = LOCAL_HOST;
>               if (!unix_socket)
>                       unix_socket = mysql_unix_port;
>               host_info = (char *) ER(CR_LOCALHOST_CONNECTION);
>               DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Using UNIX sock '%s'", unix_socket));
>               net->vio = vio_new(sock, VIO_TYPE_SOCKET, TRUE);
>       } else
> #endif
>       {
>               unix_socket = 0;                /* This is not used */
>               if (!port)
>                       port = mysql_port;
>               if (!host)
>                       host = LOCAL_HOST;
>               sprintf(host_info = buff, ER(CR_TCP_CONNECTION), host);
>               DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Server name: '%s'.  TCP sock: %d",
> host, port));
>               net->vio = vio_new(sock, VIO_TYPE_TCPIP, FALSE);
>       }
>       if (!net->vio || my_net_init(net, net->vio))
>       {
>               vio_delete(net->vio);
>               net->vio = 0;
>               net->last_errno = CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
>               strmov(net->last_error, ER(net->last_errno));
>               goto error;
>       }
>       vio_keepalive(net->vio, TRUE);
>       /*
>        * Get version info 
>        */
>       mysql->protocol_version = PROTOCOL_VERSION;     /* Assume this */
>       if (mysql->options.connect_timeout && vio_poll_read(net->vio,
> mysql->options.connect_timeout))
>       {
>               net->last_errno = CR_SERVER_LOST;
>               strmov(net->last_error, ER(net->last_errno));
>               goto error;
>       }
>       /*
>       net_flush(net);
>       if ((pkt_length = net_safe_read(mysql)) == packet_error)
>               goto error;
>       */
>       /*
>        * Check if version of protocoll matches current one 
>        */
>       net->read_pos[0] = PROTOCOL_VERSION;
>       mysql->protocol_version = net->read_pos[0];
>       DBUG_DUMP("packet", (char *) net->read_pos, 10);
>       DBUG_PRINT("info", ("mysql protocol version %d, server=%d",
> PROTOCOL_VERSION, mysql->protocol_version));
>       if (mysql->protocol_version != PROTOCOL_VERSION)
>       {
>               net->last_errno = CR_VERSION_ERROR;
>               sprintf(net->last_error, ER(CR_VERSION_ERROR),
> mysql->protocol_version, PROTOCOL_VERSION);
>               goto error;
>       }
>       end = strend((char *) net->read_pos + 1);
>       mysql->thread_id = uint4korr(end + 1);
>       end += 5;
>       strmake(mysql->scramble_buff, end, 8);
>       end += 9;
>       if (pkt_length >= (uint) (end + 1 - (char *) net->read_pos))
>               mysql->server_capabilities = uint2korr(end);
>       if (pkt_length >= (uint) (end + 18 - (char *) net->read_pos))
>       {
>               /*
>                * New protocol with 16 bytes to describe server
> characteristics 
>                */
>               mysql->server_language = end[2];
>               mysql->server_status = uint2korr(end + 3);
>       }
>       /*
>        * Set character set 
>        */
>       if ((charset_name = mysql->options.charset_name))
>       {
>               const char     *save = charsets_dir;
>               if (mysql->options.charset_dir)
>                       charsets_dir = mysql->options.charset_dir;
>               mysql->charset =
> get_charset_by_name(mysql->options.charset_name, MYF(MY_WME));
>               charsets_dir = save;
>       } else
>       if (mysql->server_language)
>       {
>               charset_name = charset_name_buff;
>               sprintf(charset_name, "%d", mysql->server_language);    /*
> In case of errors */
>               if (!(mysql->charset = get_charset((uint8)
> mysql->server_language, MYF(0))))
>                       mysql->charset = default_charset_info;  /* shouldn't
> be fatal */
>       } else
>               mysql->charset = default_charset_info;
>       if (!mysql->charset)
>       {
>               net->last_errno = CR_CANT_READ_CHARSET;
>               if (mysql->options.charset_dir)
>                       sprintf(net->last_error, ER(net->last_errno),
> charset_name ? charset_name : "unknown", mysql->options.charset_dir);
>               else
>               {
>                       char            cs_dir_name[FN_REFLEN];
>                       get_charsets_dir(cs_dir_name);
>                       sprintf(net->last_error, ER(net->last_errno),
> charset_name ? charset_name : "unknown", cs_dir_name);
>               }
>               goto error;
>       }
>       /*
>        * Save connection information 
>        */
>       if (!user)
>               user = "";
>       if (!passwd)
>               passwd = "";
>       if (!my_multi_malloc
>               (MYF(0), &mysql->host_info, (uint) strlen(host_info) + 1,
> &mysql->host, (uint) strlen(host) + 1, &mysql->unix_socket,
>                unix_socket ? (uint) strlen(unix_socket) + 1 : (uint) 1,
> &mysql->server_version, (uint) (end - (char *) net->read_pos),
>                NullS) || !(mysql->user = my_strdup(user, MYF(0))) ||
> !(mysql->passwd = my_strdup(passwd, MYF(0))))
>       {
>               strmov(net->last_error, ER(net->last_errno =
>               goto error;
>       }
>       strmov(mysql->host_info, host_info);
>       strmov(mysql->host, host);
>       if (unix_socket)
>               strmov(mysql->unix_socket, unix_socket);
>       else
>               mysql->unix_socket = 0;
>       strmov(mysql->server_version, (char *) net->read_pos + 1);
>       mysql->port = port;
>       client_flag |= mysql->options.client_flag;
>       /*
>        * Send client information for access check 
>        */
>       client_flag |= CLIENT_CAPABILITIES;
>       if (db)
>               client_flag |= CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB;
>       if ((mysql->server_capabilities & CLIENT_COMPRESS) &&
> (mysql->options.compress || (client_flag & CLIENT_COMPRESS)))
>               client_flag |= CLIENT_COMPRESS; /*- We will use compression
> */
>       else
> #endif
>               client_flag &= ~CLIENT_COMPRESS;
>       int2store(buff, client_flag);
>       mysql->client_flag = client_flag;
>       DBUG_PRINT("info",
>                          ("Server version = '%s'  capabilites: %ld
> status: %d  client_flag: %d", mysql->server_version,
>                               mysql->server_capabilities,
> mysql->server_status, client_flag));
>       int3store(buff + 2, max_allowed_packet);
>       if (user && user[0])
>               strmake(buff + 5, user, 32);    /* Max user name */
>       DBUG_PRINT("info", ("user: %s", buff + 5));
>       end = scramble(strend(buff + 5) + 1, mysql->scramble_buff, passwd,
> (my_bool) (mysql->protocol_version == 9));
>       if (db && (mysql->server_capabilities & CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB))
>       {
>               end = strmake(end + 1, db, NAME_LEN);
>               mysql->db = my_strdup(db, MYF(MY_WME));
>               db = 0;
>       }
>       /*-
>       if (my_net_write(net,buff,(ulong) (end-buff)) || net_flush(net) ||
> net_safe_read(mysql) == packet_error)
>               goto error;
>        */
>       if (client_flag & CLIENT_COMPRESS)      /* We will use compression
> */
>               net->compress = 1;
>       /*
>       if (db && mysql_select_db(mysql, db))
>               goto error;*/
>       if (mysql->options.init_command)
>       {
>               my_bool         reconnect = mysql->reconnect;
>               mysql->reconnect = 0;
>               if (mysql_query(mysql, mysql->options.init_command))
>                       goto error;
>               mysql_free_result(mysql_use_result(mysql));
>               mysql->reconnect = reconnect;
>       }
>       if (mysql->options.rpl_probe && mysql_rpl_probe(mysql))
>               goto error;
>       DBUG_PRINT("exit", ("Mysql handler: %lx", mysql));
>       reset_sigpipe(mysql);
>       DBUG_RETURN(mysql);
>   error:
>       reset_sigpipe(mysql);
>       DBUG_PRINT("error", ("message: %u (%s)", net->last_errno,
> net->last_error));
>       {
>               /* Free alloced memory */
>               my_bool         free_me = mysql->free_me;
>               end_server(mysql);
>               mysql->free_me = 0;
>               mysql_close(mysql);
>               mysql->free_me = free_me;
>       }
>       DBUG_RETURN(0);
> }
> /***************************************************************************
> *
> ** Get options from my.cnf
> ****************************************************************************
> /
> static const char *default_options[] = { "port", "socket", "compress",
> "password", "pipe", "timeout", "user",
>       "init-command", "host", "database", "debug", "return-found-rows",
>       "ssl-key", "ssl-cert", "ssl-ca", "ssl-capath", "ssl-cipher"
> "character-set-dir", "default-character-set", "interactive-timeout",
>       "connect_timeout", "replication-probe", "enable-reads-from-master",
>       "repl-parse-query",
>       NullS
> };
> static TYPELIB  option_types = { array_elements(default_options) - 1,
>       "options", default_options
> };
> static void
> mysql_read_default_options(struct st_mysql_options *options, const char
> *filename, const char *group)
> {
>       int             argc;
>       char           *argv_buff[1], **argv;
>       const char     *groups[3];
>       DBUG_ENTER("mysql_read_default_options");
>       DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("file: %s  group: %s", filename, group ? group
> : "NULL"));
>       argc = 1;
>       argv = argv_buff;
>       argv_buff[0] = (char *) "client";
>       groups[0] = (char *) "client";
>       groups[1] = (char *) group;
>       groups[2] = 0;
>       load_defaults(filename, groups, &argc, &argv);
>       if (argc != 1)                          /*
>                                                                * If some
> default option 
>                                                                */
>       {
>               char          **option = argv;
>               while (*++option)
>               {
>                       /*
>                        * DBUG_PRINT("info",("option: %s",option[0])); 
>                        */
>                       if (option[0][0] == '-' && option[0][1] == '-')
>                       {
>                               char           *end = strcend(*option, '=');
>                               char           *opt_arg = 0;
>                               if (*end)
>                               {
>                                       opt_arg = end + 1;
>                                       *end = 0;       /*
>                                                                * Remove
> '=' 
>                                                                */
>                               }
>                               switch (find_type(*option + 2,
> &option_types, 2))
>                               {
>                               case 1:         /*
>                                                                * port 
>                                                                */
>                                       if (opt_arg)
>                                               options->port =
> atoi(opt_arg);
>                                       break;
>                               case 2:         /*
>                                                                * socket 
>                                                                */
>                                       if (opt_arg)
>                                       {
> my_free(options->unix_socket, MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR));
>                                               options->unix_socket =
> my_strdup(opt_arg, MYF(MY_WME));
>                                       }
>                                       break;
>                               case 3:         /*
>                                                                * compress 
>                                                                */
>                                       options->compress = 1;
>                                       break;
>                               case 4:         /* password */
>                                       if (opt_arg)
>                                       {
>                                               my_free(options->password,
>                                               options->password =
> my_strdup(opt_arg, MYF(MY_WME));
>                                       }
>                                       break;
>                               case 5:         /* pipe */
>                                       options->named_pipe = 1;        /*
> Force named pipe */
>                                       break;
>                               case 20:        /* connect_timeout */
>                               case 6:         /* timeout */
>                                       if (opt_arg)
>                                               options->connect_timeout =
> atoi(opt_arg);
>                                       break;
>                               case 7:         /*
>                                                                * user 
>                                                                */
>                                       if (opt_arg)
>                                       {
>                                               my_free(options->user,
>                                               options->user =
> my_strdup(opt_arg, MYF(MY_WME));
>                                       }
>                                       break;
>                               case 8:         /*
>                                                                *
> init-command 
>                                                                */
>                                       if (opt_arg)
>                                       {
> my_free(options->init_command, MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR));
>                                               options->init_command =
> my_strdup(opt_arg, MYF(MY_WME));
>                                       }
>                                       break;
>                               case 9:         /*
>                                                                * host 
>                                                                */
>                                       if (opt_arg)
>                                       {
>                                               my_free(options->host,
>                                               options->host =
> my_strdup(opt_arg, MYF(MY_WME));
>                                       }
>                                       break;
>                               case 10:                /*
>                                                                * database 
>                                                                */
>                                       if (opt_arg)
>                                       {
>                                               my_free(options->db,
>                                               options->db =
> my_strdup(opt_arg, MYF(MY_WME));
>                                       }
>                                       break;
>                               case 11:                /*
>                                                                * debug 
>                                                                */
>                                       mysql_debug(opt_arg ? opt_arg :
> "d:t:o,/tmp/client.trace");
>                                       break;
>                               case 12:                /*
>                                                                *
> return-found-rows 
>                                                                */
>                                       options->client_flag |=
>                                       break;
>                               case 13:                /*
>                                                                * Ignore
> SSL options 
>                                                                */
>                               case 14:
>                               case 15:
>                               case 16:
>                                       break;
>                               case 17:                /*
>                                                                *
> charset-lib 
>                                                                */
>                                       my_free(options->charset_dir,
>                                       options->charset_dir =
> my_strdup(opt_arg, MYF(MY_WME));
>                                       break;
>                               case 18:
>                                       my_free(options->charset_name,
>                                       options->charset_name =
> my_strdup(opt_arg, MYF(MY_WME));
>                                       break;
>                               case 19:                /*
>                                                                *
> Interactive-timeout 
>                                                                */
>                                       options->client_flag |=
>                                       break;
>                               case 21:                /*
>                                                                *
> replication probe 
>                                                                */
>                                       options->rpl_probe = 1;
>                                       break;
>                               case 22:                /*
>                                                                *
> enable-reads-from-master 
>                                                                */
>                                       options->rpl_parse = 1;
>                                       break;
>                               case 23:                /*
>                                                                *
> repl-parse-query 
>                                                                */
>                                       options->no_master_reads = 0;
>                                       break;
>                               default:
>                                       DBUG_PRINT("warning", ("unknown
> option: %s", option[0]));
>                               }
>                       }
>               }
>       }
>       free_defaults(argv);
> }
> /**************************************************************************
> ** Shut down connection
> **************************************************************************/
> static void
> end_server(MYSQL * mysql)
> {
>       DBUG_ENTER("end_server");
>       if (mysql->net.vio != 0)
>       {
>               init_sigpipe_variables DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Net: %s",
> vio_description(mysql->net.vio)));
>               set_sigpipe(mysql);
>               vio_delete(mysql->net.vio);
>               reset_sigpipe(mysql);
>               mysql->net.vio = 0;             /* Marker */
>       }
>       net_end(&mysql->net);
>       free_old_query(mysql);
> }
> static void
> free_old_query(MYSQL * mysql)
> {
>       DBUG_ENTER("free_old_query");
>       if (mysql->fields)
>               free_root(&mysql->field_alloc, MYF(0));
>       init_alloc_root(&mysql->field_alloc, 8192, 0);  /* Assume rowlength
> < 8192 */
>       mysql->fields = 0;
>       mysql->field_count = 0;         /* For API */
> }
> /*
>   struct charset_info_st *charset;
>   MYSQL_FIELD *fields;
>   MEM_ROOT    field_alloc;
>   struct st_mysql_options options;
>   char                scramble_buff[9];
>    Set if this is the original connection, not a master or a slave we have
>    added though mysql_rpl_probe() or mysql_set_master()/ mysql_add_slave()
>   my_bool rpl_pivot;
>    pointers to the master, and the next slave
>     connections, points to itself if lone connection  
>   struct st_mysql* master, *next_slave;
>   struct st_mysql* last_used_slave;  needed for round-robin slave pick 
>   needed for send/read/store/use result to work correctly with replication 
>   struct st_mysql* last_used_con;
> } MYSQL;
> */
> Regards Manny
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